Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 11 Sep 1890, p. 6

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7f * TT""***1'""" "*' HWT. . Detroit and Center Streets, Cleveland; and Stationary AND POILEES Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct 5 ........ h*i - ' i Congress ST BOSTONj EAGLE BOILER. WORKS 6cr. Infliaira $ Mary iVYfoflK-K; t. Attention Vessel a en Having incromi| niv Steam Heist aifioitr,' I bid preparo-lto fcivoitouii <lii|iatc)i in nilTBUINU l>o.U. Railroad roiinecilmi xilh dock. Tertn* ruon*l>lD. C K.I.KHT-. Coal and ore Dock foot gf anhitrcnt. Detroit. M.i'h___________c CENT.UFO GAL . pUMPS for COAL, BAND OH DKKDMNO. , Wrecking Pumps- a Specialty- I'l-ERIUU Tl) \NV OTIIKIt. 16,000Tri use i, The Latest OSEII IN'ALL qLA8BKS. OIT WOItH Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomo tive and Upright Boilers; aleo, Salt Pant, 8moe Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Deeorlptloni. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN DED TO. Our Wamr Italian I'mw "ill lhrii ......- with le- .mam-loan any oilier. I'ti'.tiifiaiihl ttlul wamH iwi io .iDnm-MiB.. " I'hntilBiaiil] llUnato* "ii apliliealli.n . MOBBIS MACHINE WORKS. HalilnliiirUla, N Y Alpena Iron Worts C. B. WARREN, Pr.jt aid Mauagor,' ---------ALPENA, MICH.---------- Spcuiul uUi'Ulinll given In miirilii!* ru- jiuirn, IEOH AMD COMPOSITION CASTINGS, Stoiini lilting" nnd supplim, INJECTtlRS.LUBRICftTORS Dopo (.'ups, Dupo, Vulval, 1' ' Jiiiji I Oldhaii. Naval Architect & Engineer Iuapaolor lor Ioland Miiyila. Dmlgm HtcaniV/aah, anil Yaclita, Marine Erjglnt. and IMtera, mid Hupniiilrmla tli-ir OoDllrovUiia or K.|iair*. 8l4Peff>-PynBuH^g, Cleveland, 0. OETROIT SHIPPING OFFICE VT. It BOYD, tiblppiiiu Mailer- Open Jny anil night, 0(11 Irli'plnino, 847-3 riiipcJlcsiJviiio tcluplione, 77-l ling. TeUiijTOBiriiriiiiiplly utlonduil U Hates, sailors, whcolsiimn, uiiKincL-ni, lira- men, >ks, deck lmniU always raidy. Business attendod to for the Vuwol 0\vu. eta* Association.' 31 GrUwold strut JDettoiVMion. SIGNAL LAMPS For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS &PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS Tlio'u Lampf uivu a mure brill-nut lltrbt than nor ^<Ktial i<ttiu| T>>o) lu.v.- Ihth ndiijitrd Uj .lie i-rliielriil iWnn noil Uki> Stonii.rr.. Over Twelve thousand now in use. Hi; AI.mi MrtMTAiTI UK THK I'Ci'.KIU.ATKP French wrought iron ranges and broilers of all sizes for steamers and vessels. S(fBin1mt Ci>|>|ii>r, Tin. -ml Ntiecl Iron Wurka. Russell & Watson, --------sl'trKssnHri'l'ii TT- FELTfiiousEN & Russell, 130 A Ml,MAIN KT., IIUKKALO, N. V. Corrugated Flues for Steam Boilers. Manufactured Made- In Sizes from 28 to 60 inches In diam. WITH * FLANGED PLAIN ENDS. SOLELY IN THE UNITED STATES UNDEU OUR OWN PAT ENTS *'*>'" Tiiosi: of SAMSON FOX 0. IfiiaiWllittK.)'^ .'Vnaill'lMMlif ii obArtara.ntd*,1 S olltjwl.':. m. B-.t-.O Sllfrmi: "4% .....and-|^|;Bteii HOJH.WiloHtrett. . /. r.... ntfmvimtiH', Ship - ;TH08rWILS0N|,; MUiionio imkm 'Iff*.' '*" Wilson's Transit ;0nei; Gen. Forwarder. ., PVlgb: and VelApnl, OLEYKLi'lib.-OlilO. ' . T- Ship Brokers and Agents. 1'l.bVLLAMl, - - , OHIO.' BENHAM & DOVILLE, Vessel.Owners & Agents, Noi.flOl, 609 A 003 IWry-I'Hjiie BolidfBg wuptt"- Htrimi. Cli\Tlnnd. Ohio. C. J. MACILL, Vessel Agents, Veiel Clinrlored, Bo(i|ht and Sold, Lain"' FreHlitV awl Hlver Tow Blllt. tol. ' Itft'twl mil p-oinitlv rrmltted. -:, .." 94 Board of, W&XE<& <6 BECKE% Vessel Agents & Brokers, Nob. 511 & 512 Perry-Payne Building, | Superior at. , oiiBYEMjsD, epw. CAIT. LYMAS .HUNT. JAUErtP. JIUNT, L. HUNT & SfON. Vessol Brokerage ^ndMirinolniUijan6u.| j/.>. 20'2'MAiN,BTijEirr, Braiw, iV. Y. " Uootn'25. ITxclu JOHN C. FITCI'ATUICK, , .JOllNMH J^IIM F. WEDOW. MITCHELLS CO.I V'oBsel and Insurance Agenl 608 and SOD P.rry-Pajrne Block, 103-fO' Superior atrautj Claveland, 0. VESSELS ON SALE. S'TEAM InrRC U. 0. Hoboor, J MrrrinKMpaOlbr 800 hi (nt of lumLxir. dw bailor 111HB7. ftUnb i*0o., dmduikr. Ohio, jlB'tfoK ]^Rfiff <>r-.' lib flat hiiitlr leliooner Grillna li now atttnd (or nla, otpultr atifi toni 5 h M lumby.diiiiTiu paw, mil otutfltln onltr- For fartliar irtleulii]ra t> olj toK. A. Nurlh-iy. P.O. Uokja, hqooibft, Wtii I a HIE beit (.nil futeit btftit on X lakka Mlohlfun, taf hori cUli) oapMlty 1)0 M /et luinbtirJ with -. .- mJlflud Noouminodntlniiai huiI |room /<ir40 |iA<>enTri. For further partioulpr* nili)rei Hoi Nil rt )12 MaHixii Recoup offlop. Cloyaimd1, 0. TUU FOR SAI^-Uortth 7H feet, twain IS'A fee(7 draft aaimuiTfeii, onglno IBbylMl, car.- , . 'b1tjout oil. MmI koilnr ft fovt 8 Inelioa <l aiuttor. 10 fnt 6 Jnct.o* !ou|, nowly Aftlibod, flnn iiio-luli tinrrintutl to bo \orj' fiut- *Mr to UgrMJIgll. Mmib HiikIik. .Vrlu. Buffalo. N. Y. AKlnl-otnn pafiofluor J (tamer with potrer 10 drivel bor 11 iiiilon itu bonri 100 feot over all. 18 h^^^h-Idoi bt'ttm, Jraw< 7 feat 01 water ttul <urrlu M l>l>utiJ of iieam. ThU Ii a tfood In- vottmoiiti fur any oiib Unvlnu an oponinv to plaoa bor on *n roulo. tor further ,arnoiilari)rgajrd. Inn prloa. lo- Aaare llox C, No ",!>, SUmsa Hl- r.inn (Jillou, No*. Uiatid lit) Superior ilreat; Clove- ImilLii-. . ______L-------------------j---------------- WRECKING AND LIQHTEftlNfl. Captain F. It- HickelL lim tb well known powi-rful lug International and barge Endea vor trUtlimed at reidy it all' ilniea |o render aailiUnot to auy VesHel re- qiilrljik audi berTion la that toioitjr, prompt attention and moderate oliargcf li the .I7item under vrhtoh ttiia great eonvealeDoe tn veuel owners and maatert will be conducted, Con nection! by telephone to the dock. SUB-MARINE DIVING. I'eter Fred e tie dealrte to ootlfj^eiMl** on, man cm and otheri thai hit luflon lij abovu capacity may bu procured by Wj him at OS Vermont itreet CIot Prompt atieiitinn and beat fuiulta gtlj Tuku 10th or .>:iil Street Ferritin (rom Nw Tobk to QuMxtnourx Leeds. England. CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS $ESr BROOKLYN. NEW YORK. WM. E. DeWITl Attorno) and Proolor In Ad R00MNo.6,BUtK8T0NEBI| Charles TayU AttonuT ail Pwtor li Al MABINE v OOLLEOTIO| Room 10, M Siiparliir ilmll OIiEVBIiUP, " 385 D+/:3+7D  .. ll: ..n~_' 1‘. Mrs. ll Lllll gllell and Blowihgf Engines and Steam Halmmlers, ‘MILL’ GEARING ‘AND C,AS'lflN.CS. ;VI-‘lls' Ill .80 restreets.ecI.eveIand: "_vn.. '. .-. -- .9 Y. Stationar Repairing and Jobbihg. solicited. Office _on Viaduct. EAGLE BOILER. WORKS. jun-.a.Mp‘ snesolv. Saw 7’ ..I.I__ .: Attention Veséeln en llnvlnl lm-rum! mr a. nn. c, as %rall'.'l..l.:.':.';:::;T""nh..l{:lt£"1:l..::‘.1:::'°l.:l: ouk.’l‘umn nIInnIhIo.C .. kl-‘F -Il and are vol: tom 0! '.:uh llrunl. lmn-ll. Ml--ll CEN~'l’l{l1<‘U(}A'I. [PUMPS for COAL, MM) on umcmmm. ._ Wrecking Pumps 3. Specieltv- nu’-lemon: 1:» '\N\' OTIIISIK. 1e.oooTu, use. Our \\'Il-vr HIILII vllh leu II-mm -I olllmnlu ..n l\|-pllvllltrll. MORRIS IAOHINE WORKI. }‘ lln|lMn-'.l_!l!..-“.~__"- Alpena E. B. WARREN, Prnlll llllll llanagnr, ———ALPENA, won.-—-V Speciul l|Llull_lll:lI g‘ivL-n lo mnrinu‘ rc- ]ll|l|‘n, IRON AND COMPOSITION OASTWOB. Eu.-um lilting-c nnd .1lI]Ip1l|‘l“. |N.lECT0llS.LUBB|CllTOHS Dope (Iups, Dope. Vullzc-.5. Elc. ’; liEell:lh_llllam. Naval Architect Engineer Inlplnlol for lnlInd l.luy«lI'. .,_.. Dulgm S|uI UlI, and Yuchln, Murine Engine: and 1! MI. um! Hupeunlrmle eh».-ir Ognnnanlun or" liqmlrq. an Pm;-Payne Build’.g.Clo~_elund, o. A" ‘DETROIT smermo orncs. W. 1!. ll0YD.ShlPnlln: Mum. Open day nnll night, (ltlh-ls 1:-la-pl:-Inc. 347.3 ri||fnl;‘&c‘x2al(-Il('l: lulupllullu. R77-l 1-Ins, Te ugnln xrunlplly ulllcndell ‘ta. Mama, mllors, whcalenuan, unglncuru, lure- ‘mgn; oookl, deck hands always rcudy. _‘Bu|!n_cl atmndod to for the Vessel Own» -Gun. Infllanav &; i. run Wnlllsy mo ‘s l?neeLe;enw<e%_ hTa.ny:fl-—....."”!31Tfel1z.l*fg The l.ate_sl Improved. --_Vf Hydraulic Machinery USED IN‘ ALI. 'Ql.ABBl:S. 0( WORK llnrlne, !lIllonIry. Purlellle. [enamo- llve Ind llnrlqllll Bollerll Ileo. 8Ill Pun, Sm Pipe: and Henry Ind Lluhl mm Iron Work of III Iluerlnllone. QR!-IPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN DED' T0. SIGNAL .LAMlE5S For Slea ers and Sailing Vessels. ;y;;--«;‘;;;~_ "',:;;::,.';‘."..'.".l..”_'?.'.'.’.l. PATENT FL EU LENS &‘ PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COl.LlSIONS' -The-u l.Impr ulvu ll mum hrill-nnl Ilulu |hIn nny -‘IKHIII. lmup Thu; I..u~.-l..-.-.....l....mll.y1'l;:..rl-Hintn.-.-..un...l 14.1..» Hlmulwrl. Over Twelvelhuusand ncwin use. “T. 4\L.~lI )l'.\Sl'}'.\l"Il ll}? THII k‘lIf.!2IlI|A'Fl'Zl: ;: '_= French wrought lron ranges and brollers‘ 1' of all sizes for steamers and vessels. Ntumlmnt Cup‘|u-r. Tln. Incl Hluu-I lrml \|'urkI. Russell :91. Watson, v—.\'l '( ‘( 'Ii.\'.N'( lllfi '1'! l——__— FELTHOOUSEN RussELL,' HID |Ol}\:AlN N'I'., lIllI"I'AI.0. N. V. Gcirugate lues for Made-' 'ln ‘Sizes from 28 to 60 Inches ln dlam. Iwrru ELANGED OR PLAIN" Tnkl! ']VUlll 21|I|.| Street Furrlua from NH: You to GIIIIPOIIT Tm I. E. muwuo. |’rIIH-um. I‘H Ill? .Afl00lu_tion.‘ 31 Griswold arrest was Steam Boilers; "Manufactured SOLELY IN THE ‘UNITED sures UNDER OUR OWN PAT- ENTS AND THOHE OF SAMSON FOX OF .»'[eed's.'Eneland."‘ CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS ,:t9*:-e:::.l:;‘:.x~..-;a;::~_Bnqpxpyn; NEW _YORK.- '.\1 I‘ ...l"w'».l'.°.nl'z..l!‘.l‘l'l's':‘.‘.l. S, \\'Ilor/Imcl. ;-1nos.;"jwrLsuu* .~ll_lilson's "Thales" ULEVEL {: _-~. .ld6e1m.B7uv1ro\lI HNn.exuenn1gI Ship _B:rokersfan‘d Kgenls-,.: m.;-{gm-‘I ‘I‘él[!).'1'err!:l'AV:ne llnlhllzr. enmglfiui. BENHAM 5. ‘no_Vn.LEfi. llessel .0wne’rs 8." Agents". Nul. I01. 00!! 008 furryqlgyfig _nu"d"' "“P¢|’Inf “Incl. clqnllnd. Ohlcu V‘-"F Cl (I (I Id vi-'lun.}§".'.’.'.T hlv3'.“r:.J."el3: c’o1""~°p lrclt-ll hllll p'0In]'UV rt-mlued. '3, -H‘ _' 94 Board of,lll:_loego. I11. mamyvzme BEOEER vessel Agents‘ Brokers. ‘Noe. Q11 &. 512 ]’e_n'y—Pu'yug Building’. ‘Snipe:-nor lt_..o.4, GIIEYHIIHND. OHIO. v:.u'r. 1.)'.\ux nuwr. .uIr:.u x’-, xiun, L. ._HlIN'l'l'&’S0‘N.. -3 _V6lIu| Brokerage qr_|dM"u-Ina lneu.-‘a no.» |l,(m ,l:lTl:£n, ‘xv ;. 1391,65, «germ: llll'l1b'G"'|3l"E'.'V|_g-E? cc. 5023 Iml 500 ’Perry-Pnynu Block, 103- l5'uperlur Ilralu, Clnvillnd. 0. urnluunaol soon as? be be I .“2§‘....’a:‘.?.l'.....'£"oZ'l.!."": 15 :'..!.'u ‘HE Inn hnnly Iahoomsr Enl an I] ...-r'r1"l‘l'l"..'l.'.l.'." 'e".'..‘.'.'l'.."a".£"fi5.‘J "l ?l" :3 knots ohlu- lint further urlleulgl H. A. O. 0. [lo filénonhm \\‘lI§mh'"' '15: THE bell Ind {nun Al on l.I|to Mluhluln lol he glut) ‘Mr-ulu no In! lumbar II: MID’ I-|Ni;“l|YI- "II ‘ml lam llnx .\'n. .\h)uxI Rlcmxn ulllsa. C|°:v:n Or...‘ TUU FOIL HAL ‘—LIn lh lo_ol. be L5,? {II id.“;lnu aby- Ina nu :llIu-clot. I0 Inn model vnnrruuu I... (. 1| .§lnI|n "|IK.|llf’“'llfk:lflIl":|'0. N. “fl!-OIIH Dlllnll or tumor wllh war In ulv her (nu bmun. llnwl luv. ImlaIrr|u- no pmudl ul IIoIIu. Thlnll lmunu (or any nnI_ hnvlnfl In on-unlnl plluu unlnuv muln. Eur lurl or pIrllnu|In mt ni- Iny|vrIeo.IlB. Allslrm Ilux (3.. So :5. 3lA|lI.VI1ll~ mum Ulllau. Not. I“ Ipd HI! Suporlor Ilnou Cluvr mu- ., .__..___ WHECKINO AND L|OHTEfi!NG.‘ '. var Illllnnod ll Amhanlbum reuly II Ill‘ llnm lo rpnder IulIl.InoI to my" Vowel r9- qulrlplz Inch nervlueo In l.hI! vlclnlly, piallepl Illendun Ind moduuln nhlrgn |I the -_I‘yIlIm airmen and mIImI Irlll he conducted, Oun- nocllonl by lclnphnnc to the dock. SUB-IAHINE DIVIKG. Pam Fmlauo dulm ln nolll vouel on, mum: Iml otlnn 1hIl hlI camera In above cIpIclly mny bu procure?! by him It 08 Vermont In-oat. Olav Prompt Iuanllnn Ind but results all W./V. H. DeW'[I' Attorney and Proolor In E00! M0. 8. BLAIIKSTONE B! °'4"V.'¥!‘!.""v .01.“?-‘ Charles" _avl- lllnlnll llllll Praglar_ MABINET:O0LI.'Il0TI0 Room 10. Impede: rlreel auevennnn. .1 ‘~ “INQUIRY.-0‘ Gen.Forwnrdn. _. c, .1. MAG-ll"-_.|-o_ -‘ Vessel ‘A-gents,‘ ..., VE$SELS.0N SALE. ‘\ Cupllln P. ll. lhulmlt hnI the wall lknonn puvu-rlul lug lnlurnnlunpl Ind barge Endu» Veeee1’em1‘Insnren"0eAgen _‘f_;; :1‘. under which lhlu grulconvenlnnce to veIIel_ .2"

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