ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERSâ€"Continued No. 47 Columbia Transportation Co., P. W. Sherman, Gen. Mgr., W. C. Dressier, Vessel Mgr., 1208 Hanna Bldg.. Phone Prospect 3360, Cleveland, Ohio. Str. Bartelme, M. J. Str. Britt, Thomas . No. 53 Crystal Beach Transit Co., Inc., Harry S. Hall, Mgr., Phone Washington 3585, Foot of Commercial St., Buffalo, N. Y. Str. Canadiana Str. Ewig, Harrv T. Str. Frantz, J. H. Str. Gallowav, Charles W. Str. Hanna, Jr., H. M. Str. Holloway, W. W. Str. McFarland, O. S. No. 54 Daryaw, Henry C, 30 Rideau St., Phone 2098-M, Kingston. Ont. Str. Daryaw, Henry C. Str. Mathiott, E. G. Str. Miller, J. Clare Str. Moody, R. E. Str. Norton, D. Z. Str. Pilkey, Wm. B. Str. Post, G. G. Str. Richardson, W. C. Str. Stifel, W. F. No. 55 Davidson Steamship Co., James E. Davidson, Mgr., Foot Randolph St., Phone 339, Bay City, Mich. Str. Sacramento Bge. Chieftain Bge. Montezuma Tug Sardinia Str. Way, S. B. No. 56 Davie & Sons, Geo. T., Lauzon, Que. Davie Transportation Co., Ltd. No. 48 Construction Materials Co., J. R. Sensibar, Pres., Foreman Bank Bldg., 33 North LaSalle St., Phone Dearborn 3200. Chicago, 111. M. S. G. T. D. Dredge Bass River Dredge Waukegan Dredge Grand River No. 57 Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Ont. Str. Stewart, Wm. J. No. 50 Corporation of City of Three Rivers, Jos. Lambert, Mgr., City Hall, Three Rivers, Que. Str. Cite' De Trois Rivieres Str. Laverandrye No. 60 Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., Jas. T. McMillan, Pres., C. L. Perkins, Gen. Mgr., James McMillan, Asst. Gen. Mgr., 210 Wayne St., Cadillac 9800, Detroit, Mich. Str. City of Cleveland III No. 51 Corporation of Wolfe Island, Ont. Str. Wolfe Islander Str. City of Detroit III Str. Eastern States Str. Greater Buffalo Str. Greater Detroit No. 52 Cunningham, Capt. John, Kipawa, Que. Str. City of Hailey Bury Str. Silverland Str. Western States Detroit & Cleveland Steamship Co. Str. Fitch, Wm. F. 103