ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERSâ€"Continued No. 88 Grand Trunk-Milwaukee Car Ferry Co., R. M. Bloecker, Great Lakes Steamship Co., Inc.â€"Continued Supt. of Exchange Wis. Str. Str. Carferries, 741 N. Milwaukee, Grain & Stock Bldg., Phone Broadway 5266, Milwaukee, Grand Haven Grand Rapids Str. Str. Str. Str. Smith, W. L. Sweden Thompson, Smith Wilkinson, H. S. Str. Madison No. 93 Great Lakes Towing Co., G. A. Tomlinson, Pres., 1060 Str. City of Milwaukee Union Trust Bldg., Main 4854, Cleveland, Ohio No. 89 Gravel Products Corp., 60S D. S. Morgan Bldg., 78 Perry St., Buffalo. N. Y. Str. Ltr. Favorite Newman, T. F. Str. Bge Niagara . Crete Ltr. Ltr. Ltr. Pontoon Reliance Relief No. 90 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., 104 S. Michigan Ave., Ltr. Ltr. Rescue Resolute Chicago, 111. Str. Michigan No. 94 Great Lakes Transit Corp., H. S. Noble, Pres., G. C. Williams, Mgr., 223 Erie St., Phone Wash. 2600, Buffalo. No. 91 Great Lakes Montreal, Str. Str. Intercoastal Line, Ltd., J. E. Wilder, Pres., Que. Canadian Beaver Canadian Farmer N. Y. Str. Str. Str. Str. Atterbury, W. W. Chambers, Edward Conners, W. J. Crowley, Patrick E. No. 92 Great Lakes Steamship Co., Inc., J. Burton Ayers, Mgr., Str. Davis, J. M. Dixon, George D. Rockefeller Bldg., Phone Main 7754, Cleveland, Ohio. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Belgium Cowle, J. B. Denmark Dunn, Jr., John Durstin, J. F. Finland Hubbard, Charles Leonard, G. B. Nettleton, A. E. Norway Nottingham, Wm. Smith B. Lyman Smith, H. W. Smith, L. C. Smith, M. C. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Ltr. Duluth Gorman, J. E. Jaffray, C. T. Juniata Loomis, Edward E. Milwaukee Octorora Sargent, Fred W. Scandrett, H. A. Smith, Alfred H. Tionesta Underwood, F. D. Utica Willard, Daniel Black Diamond 106