ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERSâ€"Continued No. 104 Harrison & Sons Co., Ltd., John, E. J. Harrison, Mgr. 2d Ave., W., Phone 18 and 191, Owen Sound, Ont Tug Harrison Tug Zelda Ltr. Michigan , 1417 Str. Block, Joseph Str. Block, Philip D. Str. Leopold, N. F. Pioneer Steamship Co. Str. Amazon Str. Ashley, J. S. No. 105 Hill, Ludlow L., 2105 35th St., Kenosha, Wis. Str. Marold 2d Str. Augustus, A. A. Str. Billings, Frank Str. Calverley, Jr., W. D. No. 106 Honey Harbour Nav. Co., Ltd., Newton K. Wagg, Midland, Ont. Str. Tenno Mgr., Str. Coolidge, S. B. Str. Ferris, James E. Str. Gillies, Donald B. Str. Hutchinson, C. L. Str. McGean, W. H. No. 107 Howell, L. Z., 1613 Greenleaf Ave., Phone Hollycourt Chicago, 111. Str. Hyman, Myron L. 0725, Str. McKinney, Price Str. Manuel, John S. Str. Mullen, Martin Str. Paine, W. A. No. 108 Huntsville Lake of Bays & Lake Sincoe Nav. Co., Ltd., Str. Stanton, John Str. Sullivan, J. J. Str. Thompson, David P. Wm. J. Moore, Mgr., Huntsville, Ont. Str. Algonquin Str. Iroquois Str. Joe Str. Tomlinson, G. A. Str. Walsh, J. P. Str. Mohawk Belle Str. Ramona No. Ill Illinois Ship & Dredge Co., 160 N. LaSalle St., Phone Str. Bigwin Str. Wanda III Ra nd. 5674, Chicago, 111. Str. Brazil No. 109 Huron Transportation Co., Paul H. Townsend, Mgr. Ford Bldg., Phone Randolph 7262, Detroit, Mich. 1325 No. 112 Imperial Oil Shipping Co., Ltd., Marine Dept., H. J. Rahlves, Mgr., J. E. Langdon, Supt., Imperial Oil Bldg.. 56 Church St.. Phone Waverlv 6761. Toronto. Ont. Str. Boardman, John W. Str. Crapo, S. T. Str. Mitchell, Samuel Str. Acadialite Str. Imperoyal Str. Iocolite No. 110 Hutchinson & Co., Mgrs., Rockefeller Bldg., Phone 7135, Cleveland, Ohio. Inland Steel Co. Main Str. Iocoma Str. Ottawalite Str. Petrolite Str. Rideaulite * Str. Block, L. E. Str. Royalite 108