ENGINES AND BOILERSâ€"Continued VESSEL ENGINES Type Cylinders and Stroke No. BOILERS Type Size Year Built McKinney, Price ............ McLauchlan, Wm............ McLean, J. H................. Macassa (Can.) ............., Macbeth, A. D..............., Mackinaw City ............. MacNaughton, James ........ MacPherson, N. B. (Can.)... Macoubrey, J. H............ Madison ..................... Magog (Can.) .............. Maitland No. 1 ............. Malietoa ..................... Manitoba (Can.) ............. Man Isle (Can.) ............. Manitou (Can.) .............. Manitoulin (Can.) ........... Manitowoc ................... Mantadoc (Can.) ............. Manuel, John S............... Maplebay (Can.) ............ Maplebranch (Can.) ......... Maplecourt (Can.) ........... Mapleheath (Can.) ........... Mapleton (Can.) ............. Mariposa ..................... Marita ....................... Maritana ..................... Markham, General ........... Marquette ................... Marquette & Bessemer No. 1 Marquette & Bessemer No. 2 Maryland .................... Massey, F. V. (Can.) ......... Massey, Jr., J. Floyd ......... Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ 2 Triple Exp.......... Triple Exp............ 2 Comp............... Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ 2 Triple Exp.......... Triple Exp............ 2 Triple Exp.......... Quad. Exp............15^4 F. & A................ Triple Exp............ F. & A................ 2 Triple Exp.......... 4 Comp. Cond......... Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ 2 Triple Exp.......... 2 Steeple Comp....... Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ 2 Triple Exp.......... Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ Triple Exp............ 22-35-58x40 2 24j4-41-65x42 3 22-35-58x42 2 11-18-29x22 1 19-30-52x40 2 13-26x18 1 24^-40-65x42 3 17-28^-47x33 2 22-35-55x40 2 20^-34-56x36 4 19-32-56x36 2 19^-31-52x36 4 233,4-36^-57x40 2 30-64x48 2 15-25-41x27 2 16-32x26 1 15-24-40x27 3 22-35-58x42 6 2 22^-36-60x42 2 12-20-31^x16^ 2 20-40x36 2 20-33-54x40 3 17-28-46x36 2 17-28-46x33 ?. 18^-32^-55x48 2 16-26-44x26 1 1754-39-63x48 2 19-31-54x42 2 20-33^-55x42 2 17-27^-46x36 1 19-31-52x36 4 23-37-63x42 2 15-25-40x33 ?. 20-33-59x40 2 Scotch ........... 13'9"xll'6" 1908 Water Tube ..... Il'xl0'8" 1927 Scotch ........... 14'xll' 1926 Scotch ........... 12'6"xl0'9" 1888 Scotch ........... 12'xl2' 1908 Water Tube ..... 1919 Scotch ........... 13'6"xll' 1922 Scotch ........... Il'10"xl0'10" 1925 Scotch ........... 13'9"xl2' 1908 Scotch ........... 14'6"xl2' 1927 Scotch ........... 14'8"xl2'6" 1923 Scotch ........... 13'2"xl2' 1916 Water Tube ..... 12'6"x9'3" 1927 Scotch ........... 14'xll'6" 1914 Scotch ........... 1909 Fire Box ......... 15'x8'6" 1903 Navy ............ 7'xl6' 1889 Scotch ........... 13'9"xll'6" 1926 Scotch ........... 13'2"xll'6" 1903 Scotch ........... 13'9"xl2' 1910 Scotch ........... 9'8"xll'6" 1920 Scotch ........... ll'2"xll'2" 1891 Scotch ........... Il'6"xl2'6" 1902 Scotch ........... ll'xll'9" 1903 Scotch ........... 12'xll' 1909 Scotch ........... 13'8"xll'2" 1925 Scotch ........... Il'6"xl3' 1918 Scotch ........... Il'xl3'6" 1925 Scotch ........... 1913 Scotch ........... 13'9"xll' 1923 Scotch ........... 14'6"xll'6" 1904 Scotch ........... 13'9"xl2' 1910 Scotch ........... 15'xll'6" 1908 Scotch ........... 10'6"xl0'10" 1929 Scotch ........... 14'6"xll' 1918 251