LOUIS R. PAGE, President JOHN J. TIERNEY, Vice President H. E. WILSON, Treas. H. W. TUMAN, Secretary CROZER-POCAHONTAS CO. SHIPPERS OF STANDARD POCAHONTAS WE PREPARE OUR STANDARD POCAHONTAS IN THE FOLLOWING GRADES WESTERN OFFICE 1105 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, III. JOHN PYNCHON Western Sales Agent BRANCH OFFICES Bluefield, W. Va. Norfolk, Va. Boston, Mass. 50 Congress St. Lump, Egg, Nut, Pea, Slack and Run of Mine Our Coal for lake and river shipment is loaded over Pennsylvania Railway Docks, Sandusky, Ohio. We solicit correspondence with lake and river buyers who want the original and STANDARD POCAHONTAS COAL! GENERAL OFFICES: 1503-1509 North American Building, Philadelphia, Pa. REPRESENTING Crozer Coal & Coke Co. Upland Coal & Coke Co. Powhatan Coal & Coke Co. Lynchburg Coal & Coke Company Eureka Coal & Coke Co, Peerless Coal & Coke Co. Page Coal & Coke Co. Mines in Pocahontas Field McDowell Co., W. Va. JOHN J. TIERNEY, General Sales Manager W. H. ADAMS, Asst. General Sales Mgr. 37