KEYSTONE COAL & COKE CO. MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF Youghiogheny Gas and Steam COAL Shipments to All Point* East, and West by Hail, Lake and Tide Water. Best Fuel for All Purposes. Individual Cars. Daily Capacity, 20,000 Tons. General Offices: Huff Building, Greensburg, Pa. Branch Offices: New York Baltimore I'...sion Pittsburgh Grand Central Terminal Continental Bid?. .Monks Bids. Park Bldg. Philadelphia Cleveland Buffalo Arcade Bldg-. Rockefeller I'l.lg-. Marine Bank Bldg. Also Manufacturers of Furnace, Foundry and Crushed Coke, Salem Washed Coke, High Grade Foundry CORRES PONDENCE SOLICITED L A. UPSTILL, Northwestern Sales Agent - - Cleveland, Ohio The Lake Erie Ore Company IRON ORE Rockefeller Building Cleveland, Ohio 194