MAIM 4730 CENTRAL 383 The Office Supply & Printing Co. Printers : Stationers : Binders 811 :;u,ierior Ave.. N. W. CLEVELAND. OHIO The Glens Run Coal Co. Rockefeller Bldg. CLEVELAND. OHIO Miners and Shippers of Genuinu No. 3 Pocahontas Coal Mines, Caples, McDowell County, W. Va. Pittsburgh Steam Coal Mines. Dillonvale & Rush Run. Ohio. "You'll Do Better at Kluger's" M. M. GLECKER Manufacturer ol Cigars £r Tobacco La Palma 10c Cigar Happy Home and Edmund Hayle 10c 1295 West 11th Street CLEVELAND, OHIO KLUGER OPTICAL COMPANY Let oi r Specialists examine your eyes NOW and avoid any future trouble with them. Our prices are right Kuclid Avenue at the Square--Park Building CLEVELAND'S LEADING OPTICIANS 199