A FEW HISTORICAL FACTS AND THE CANALS--Continued THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CANALS A boat coming from Montreal to Lake Ontario would have to pass through six canals and make -1 lockages. These locks would give a lift of 207% feet. The total length of the six canals is 45 miles, and the length of the trip from Montreal to Lake Ontario is 182 miles. The first canal--the Lachine--begins right at the city of .Montreal and the last canal the Galops -is T miles below Ogdensburg. There is free sailing from Montreal eastward to the sea and westward from Ogdensburg to Lake Erie. The distance from Ogdensburg to Lake Ontario is 02 miles. The distance from Montreal to the mouth of the St. Lawrence river is 986 miles. The names of the six Canadian canals are as follows, beginning at Montreal: The Lachine, the Soulanges, the Cornwall, Farrans Point, Rapide Plat, and Galops. These canals are built to accommodate boats 255 feet long, 42 feet beam and of 14 feet draft. But the new lock at the Farrans Point canal is built to take in a whole tow at one lockage, being 800 feet in length. The Galops lift lock is operated on Sunday; all the other canals are closed. A short description of these canals is given below: The Lachine Canal Length, 8% miles; 5 locks; total lift, 45 feet; locks are 270 feet long and 45 feet wide; average depth of canal is 14 feet. This canal extends from Montreal to the town of Lachine, and overcomes the St. Louis rapids. The Soulanges Canal Length, 14 miles; 4 lift locks, 1 guard lock; total lift, 84 *eet. Locks are 280 feet long and 45 feet wide. This canal over-Comes the Cascade rapids, Cedar rapids and Coteau rapids. The Cornwall Canal Length, 14 miles; 6 locks; total lift, 48 feet. Locks are 270 feet long and 45 feet wide. This canal overcomes the Long »ault rapids, from the town of Cornwall to Dickenson's landing. Farrans Point Canal Length, l mile; 1 lock; total lift, 3% feet. Lock is 800 feet J°ng and 45 feet wide. The old lock is still in use and is 200 feet long ;md 45 feet wide, with a depth of 9 feet. This canal overcomes the Farrans Point rapids. Descending vessels use the rapids instead of the canal. Rapide Plat Canal Length, 2V2 miles; 2 locks; total lift, ll1^ feet. Locks are 270 feet long and 45 feet wide. This canal extends from Morrisburg to Flaggs bay anil overcomes the rapids at that place. Descending vessels run the rapids. Galops Canal Length, 7% miles; 8 locks; total lift, 15V2 feet. Two locks are 270 feet long and 45 feet wide and one is 800 feet long and 45 feet wide. This canal overcomes the rapids at Point Iroquois, Point Cardinal and the Galops. CHICAGO TO THE MISSISSIPPI Via the Illinois and Michigan Canal and the Illinois River Distance from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river, 325 miles, as follows: 5 miles in the Chicago river, 97 miles in the Illinois and Michigan canal, and 22:! miles in the Illinois river. The Illinois and Michigan canal commences in the South Branch of the Chicago river. There are 15 lift locks and 1 guard lock. The canal was intended to be 60 feet wide at the water surface, 4X feet wide on the bottom, with locks 110 feet long, 18 feet wide and 6 feet deep. The canal is falling into decay. The deepest draft that can now be carried through is about 4% feet. The longest boat that can now be accommodated in this canal is 100 feet. GREEN BAY TO THE MISSISSIPPI Via the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers Distance from Green Bay to the Mississippi, 281 miles. From Green Bay to Portage, on the Wisconsin river, 163 miles. A draft of about 6 feet can be carried. From there to the Mississippi the navigation of the Wisconsin river is very difficult and the available channel is less than 3 feet. Hut the navigation from Green Bay to Menasha, Oskosh, and to Portage City is good. The total lift is about 200 feet, overcome by 26 locks, suitable for boats 140 feet long, 34 feet beam and over 6 feet, draft. 215