RESIDENCE PHONES President, Melrose 674 Machine Shop Foreman, Lincoln 413D Secretary, Melrose 2771 Boiler Shop Foreman, Melrose 4972 Duluth Boiler Works (Formerly Northwestern) DULUTH, MINN. Manufacturers of Boilers, Engines and Machinery Stand Pipes. Refuse Burners, Steel Storage Tanks, Smoke Stacks, .Marine, .Mill and Mining Machinery, Steel Boiler Plates, Boiler Tubes, Pipes, Brass and Rubber Goods, Engineers' Supplies. Special Attention Given to Repair Work, Day or Night. Our Specialtyâ€"Marine Work Shop & Portable Welding Outfits. Office and Works, 366 to 382 Garfield Ave. Phones Phones Melrose 615 Lincoln 15 The C Reiss Coal Co. General Office, Sheboygan, Wis. STEAMBOAT FUEL a Specialty DOCKS Sheyhoygan, Wis. Ashland, Wis. Manitowoc, Wis. Superior, Wis. Green Bay, Wis. Escanaha, Mich. Waukegan, 111. Two Rivers, Wis. Cleveland Office-402, 404, 406 Rockefeller BIdg. T. I. KENNEDY, Agent