BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING. TABLE OF CONTENTSâ€"BLUE AND WHITE EDGED PAGES. Information Pertaining to Coast, Gulf and River Shipping. Advertisements.............................................. Advertisers, list of... •.....â- • â- • • - • • â- •........................ Agricultural product.-, exports of U. b........................ American Shipping and Industrial League..................... American Association oi Masters and Pilots ................... \merican Foreign Commerce, carried in American bhips Irom 1789 to 18913................• â- ........................ Appropriations, river and harbor.............................. Atlantic steamers, dimensions, etc............................. Canadian Marine Association.................................. Canada'- Merchant shipping.................................. Canals, particulars of......................................... I :aptains addresses, on the coast..........................----- tains on coast, not belonging to any organization, list of four hundred ........................................ Class, number and tonnage of vessels built in the U. S., from 1797 to 1896, inclusive................................ Coal. ores, and mineral oils, exports of U. S.................. st captains not belonging to any organization.............. Coast steam and sail vessels of U. S.......................... Coast marine engineers, list of 3,500.......................... Commerce of United Statesâ€"statistics........................ Development of Steamship in fifty years....................... Dimensions of some notable Atlantic liners.................... Directory of steamship lines between U. S. and foreign ports... . tory. (classified) marine business concerns in the U. S..... Dry Docks and Marine Railways of the U. S.................. Fleets of steam and sail vessels in U. S. Names and addresses of owners............................................ Engineers addresses, (marine) on the coast.................... Erie canal and Hudson river route............................. Foreign commerce of principal ports.......................... Fire boats, oarticulars of American............................ Grain and Hour, exports of U. S.............................. Grand officers and captains of principal harbors, American Association of Masters and Pilots....................... Illustrations.................................................. Introduction ..................................'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'..'.... Iron and steel vessels owned in the U. S...................... Iron, steel and wooden ship builders of U. S.................. Live stock and meats, exports of U. S...................... Marine Railways and Dry Docks of the U. S.................. Marine Engineers on coasts................................... Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association, addresses of corresponding secretaries.................................. PAUES 388-447 6-9 358 364 279-298 362 113 144 75 128 105 279-302 299-302 360 359 299-302 209-267 304-333 357-359 363 144 350-354 365 381 355-356 339-344 304-333 107-109 363 138 357 279 3 9 137 334-338 359 355-356 304-333 303 PAGES. Marine triple-expansion engine, name of parts.................. 143 Masters and Pilotsâ€"Director}' containing list of over 2,250 members of American Association of Masters and Pilots 279-298 Merchant marine of the U. S................................. 361 Miles, changing nautical to statute............................ 427 National Board of Steam Navigation.......................... 364 Naval architects and marine engineers, names and addresses of 600 men comprising the ship and engine builders and designers of the United States........................... 267-278 Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., particulars and plan of ship and engine building plant................ 181 Owners of coast vessels, with addresses......................... 209-267 Passenger steamship and steamer lines, giving names of purchasing agents........................................... 345-349 Performance of eighteen modern steamers...................... 110-112 Port directory............................................... 382-387 Purchasing agents of 700 American passenger steamers.......... 345-349 Relative strength of navies of the world...................... 196 River and harbor appropriations............................... 113 Rope, manil'Ia. weight and sizes of............................. 427 Secretaries' addresses, of M. E. B. A.......................... 3o:s Ship and Engine Builders of U. S............................. 334-338 Shipbuilding, number and tonnage of vessels built in all parts of the United States..................................... 136-137 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers............. 267-278 Statistics of United States commerce.......................... 357-359 Steamers and sail vessels of the United States, with particulars. and name and address of owner or manager............ 209-267 Steam and sail vessel owners in the U. S.. including owners of 1,100 steam and 1.300 sail vessels...................... 339-344 Steamship lines between the U. S. and foreign ports............ 350-354 Steel and wooden ship builders of U. S___................... 334-338 Steam and Sail Vessels of the U. S............................. 209-267 St. Lawrence route........................................... lot; Ins Suez canal traffic............................................. 125 Table of contents..............................................3. 4 and 5 Table of contents, illustrations................................ 3 Title page ................................................... 1 U. S. Navy, particulars of vessels............................. 195 U. S. Navy yard dry docks................................... 356 Vessels, steam and sail, on Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts. and rivers .......................................... 209-267 Vessels owned in different districts of the U. S................. 136-137 Waterways from the seaboard to the lakes...................... 105-109