4 BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING. TABLE OF CONTENTSâ€"RED AND WHITE EDGED PAGES. Information Pertaining to Shipping on the Great Lakes. Advertisements......................................... Advertisers, list of...................................... American lake vessels, steam and sail................... American Association of Masters and Pilots.............. Appropriations, river and harbor......................... Areas, depths, etc.. of great lakes......................... Canadian Marine Association............................ Canada's merchant shipping............................. Canals, particulars of.................................... Carrying charges for 20 years past on coarse freight....... Coal freights............................................ Coal shipments on the lakes.............................. Cylinder sizes of engines of lake steamers.................. Directory, (classified) marine business concerns in the U. Directory, (port) marine business concerns in the U. S.... Docks, capacity and statistics............................ Dry docks on the lakes, history and description.......... Drv docks on the lakes, particulars of.................... Engine and boiler builders of the great lakes............ Engines, details and names of parts....................... Engineers, (marine) addresses, on the great lakes......... Erie Canal, map of...................................... Fire boats, particulars of American....................... Fleets of lake vessels, owners' names and addresses........ Freight rates on iron ore, etc............................ Furnaces using Lake Superior ore....................... Grain and flour shipments by lake......................... Hudson River & Erie canal route........................ Illustrations, Index...................................... Iron and steel vessels owned in the U. S.................. Iron and steel manufacturers using Lake Superior ores.... Iron mining industry of the lakes....................... Iron ore production. Lake Superior region................ Iron ores of Lake Superior. Analyses of.................. Lake Carriers' Association .............................. Lake Captains, list of 500 not members of S. M. A......... Lake Erie ore docks, statistics of......................... Lake Erie ore docks, capacity of......................... Lake Superior ore region, production of................. Lake Superior Commerce................................ Losses of vessel property on the lakes..................... Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association directory....... Marine Engineers, comprising members of M. E. B. A., and engineers of the principal lake steamers........... S.... chief PAOES. 388-447 6-9 17-55 270-208 113 114 75 128 105 129-130 130 131 142 365-381 382-387 121-123 135 104 71 143 87-103 109 138 56-69 129 218 132 107 3 137 124 115 116-118 120-121 72-75 82-86 121 122-123 116-118 125 131 303 87-103 Marine triple-expansion engine, names of parts................. 143 Miles, changing nautical to statute............................ 427 Mile measurements of different nations....................... 134 M. E. B. A., addresses of corresponding secretaries............. 303 Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, names and addresses oi 600 men comprising the ship and engine builders and designers of the United States......................... 267-278 Number and tonnage of vessels owned in all parts of country.... 136-137 Number and tonnage of vessels built in all parts of country...... 137-138 Opening and closing of navigation at principal points on lakes.. 133 Operating expense of nine lake steamers...................... 119 Ore carrying steamers, comparative report of.................. 119 Owners of fleets of lake vessels, with addresses................ 53-69 Owners of lake vessels, with addresses......................... 17-55 Particulars of hull and machinery of modern laks steamers and barges ............................................... 140-141 Passenger steamer lines, with names of purchasing agents.... 345-349 Performances of eighteen lake steamers, from mechanical tests.. 110-112 Portage Lake ship-canals, traffic.............................. 128 Port directory ............................................... 382-387 Production of Lake Superior ore region....................... 116-118 Purchasing agents of 700 American passenger steamers......... 345-349 Rope, weight and sizes of..................................... 427 Ship and engine builders of the great lakes..................... 70 Ship Masters' Association.................................... 76-81 Ships building and under contract in lake ship yards. Dec. 31, '96.................................................. 139 Shipments by lake vs. Trunk line railways..................... 133 Size and depth of the great lakes............................... 114 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers............ 267-278 Statistics in general of lake shipping.......................... 113-144 Steamers and sailing vessels of the great lakes.................. 17-55 St. Mary's Falls Canal, statistics of commerce................. 126-127 St. Lawrence canal, map of................................... 108 St. Lawrence route .......................................... 106 Suez canal and St. Mary's Falls canal traffic, comparison........ 125 Table of contents, lake information: coast information, illustrations ................................................. 3-4.5 Topography of the great lakes................................ 114 United States court officials.................................. 134 Vessels, steam and sail, on the great lakes...................... 17-55 Vessels owned in different districts of the U. S................. 136-137 Waterways from the lakes to seaboard........................ 105-109 Welland Canal, map of....................................... 109