Sessional Papere (No, 5.) APPENDIX No. 19, BPOBT OF CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF STEAMBOAT INSPECTION. Tobosto, January, 1872. Br,â€"Accompany in g this, I he;/ leave io forward to you, for the information of the imHciiii! Minister of -Marine mid l-T^ln ri -s, mv Animal Report for the year ended â- tor 31st, 1371. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) Savl. Rislky, Chairnuat ifBoard of Steamboat Impeeiioti. iSmrii, Esq., Deputy of tlie Minister of Marin* nnti Fisheries, gBof the Board of Steamboat Inspection, composed of two member* and the suScient to form a quorum, were held during the year, at the following St. John, N.B., October 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. Fredricton, „ „ 6th and 7 th. Pictou, N.S., „ 10th and 11th. Halifax, „ „ I2lhand 13th. Quebec Province. Quebec, November 22ud. 23rd and 24th. Montreal „ „ Kith, 27th, S8th, and 29tli. Ottawa, Oii(arii), JJeveniVr bit and 2nd. Kingston, „ „ 5th, 6th and 7th. Toronto, „ „ £th, Othaud 11th. Windsor, „ „ 13th, 14th and 15th, Hamilton „ „ 18th and 19th. St Catharines,, „ 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd. ; the y«r there have beer, issued CJ5 KnSinerrs' eortiSiaitee, being 124 more (sued during the year 1870. Wing exhibits the namber a.-onrdmg to the several grades :â€" First Class Engineers ............ 4G Second „ „ ............116 Third „ „ ............121 First Class Assistant Engineers 143 Second „ „ „ 122 Third „ „ „ 74 above 1H5 are examinations and 450 are Renewals. niiai meeting of the Board, in compliance with section 3 of the Steamboat let, was held at Montreal, on the 17th November. All the Inspectors wjw L> following arc tlse Jluirs i;n<l Itegiiiminns approved by tin- Board, also sug-o amended Co the Depart aiem. r'nr ;s.^if>r.)v;il by the tlovcL'uoi'-Cei.el-al ui Council. lit the Chairman inform the .IVjnirttiient, that it is desirable that the 2nd I'jjtions passed at the last annual t.....-tin" of the Board at Ottawa, be approved mer in Council, in iiew of putting the same in force. 1*7