S5 Victoria. Sessional Piqjers (No.5 .) 2nd Thiil the iiivosi.iga.iions of the cause of (he explosion of tlit boilerofthuSteui WttlticM, at New York, involving great loss of life, have shown the important il having the Teat gte.i.;e used "' U'slin;; l.uihr.i, proved to ljiâ- correct. Tin' Department! requested to provide cn..":i Inspe.-tur with a .Sinmln.l (langc jiu.l Tc-i Pump with lmlinM for testing the accuracy of the Linage. 3rd. As of necessity the Inspection uf Steamboats mufl citend over the period navigation, it is lo he understood Unit tlie t.'i-ilincaio uf Inspection shall bo for a perkdl one year from its 'lute, unless lor some siillieim! reason rov< ktrd. This resolution iti to conflict with section -11) »f the Steamboat Inspect;, n Art. which defines the word "T«j Its meaning the calendar vmr, ronililojieiug on the It. Jn.ji.iHry, i.ml ending on die J!; December, which applies lo Masters or 0whits uf S-..ami amis, roniiiring them to mi application for tin! inspect inn of their Steamers within the calendar year. 4th. That Engineers !.!â- required, when hairing :i steamh.it uf which they luneliesii cliare^, rts siich, and also at the close of navigation, each year, to report in writing t condition of theenpnes and boiler, also ihe Kice pumps and lios-c. A copy of m report to be sent to the owner of the Steamer, also tn the l.ocal Inspector of the JliiHB in which the vessel was ::i«t insp.-nn], or when- the vess* I is laid up, the originaltol retained by the r.Tiginoei : and any Kngiuecc i,ikin« charge of a Steamer shall dena ' the exhibition of such report from ilie Owner or Muster "f the Steamer, mid in therm of such report not beiu:; produced or pro\ Lag incorrect, lie shall at once report the fml the nearewt Inspector. Any Kngin-or failing to comply with this resolution, bis certifiol ahull, by order of the chairman In": revoked. 5th. That tlie IS oard adopt the lioiirne Tables of Korea power in estimatingtl power of Steamers' Engines. Cth. That the rule he applied hereafter, fur determining ihe sticngth of tm subjected to external pressure, shall assume one i lord the pressure allowed for the |M| iu accordance with sub-section -, secti-.n 7 of ihe SteaiuhoL Inspect ion Act, and no la over sixteen inches diameter, shall In- made of less than i|iiarter inch plate. The «pW between the stays in Ste:iin chimneys. Imeasured on the inside) shall not exceed tvicelU of the Hat surface of the boiler. 7th. Inasmuch us public opinion assumes, and lute accidents" to Steamboat huilcnb the United States liave proved, that, more or less, deterioration ill the Mrciigdi of tin materials and workmanship take., place from use and ag.-, and an the Inspectors hail 1 means of ascertaining the quality .a- strength of plates used in the i nan ufacta n> of lata in the Dominion, or of determining the deterioration from wear and age, tip End request that it be fund sin', I v, i;!i suitable instrumtans for testing 1 toiler plates, that 4 provision of the Steamboat Inspection Act, sub-section L', section 7. which r.-jaires fluid Steamboat boilers lie made of ihe best, reliued plale, be enforced. Nth. That in future Inspectors lie leouii-e,! lo earrv out. strictly, the provision gftlt Steamboat Inspection Act, sub scetu.u '.'â- , seeiion 7. which provides tliat no boiler mal after tlie passing of ibis Art, shall !>a made of 1h,!-,-:- plates which have not been stamp or marked with the name of Un; maker thereof, nor sbali a oertilicate lie granted il respect to any boiler mad-: wholly or in part of plates not so marked. The Hoard In to re:pieat that the Liboce reselini'.ios ue ja-in:ed in rhielish an.l french ill thefornnil circular, 300 English end 100, french for distribution among Importers of Irons Boiler Manufacture is. The following resolution ii submitted by ihe Hoard as an a in en dm cat tola Navigation Act. The total loan of the sleamei' City •</ (J-arln; last your ill the Kiral L*wrcn«, and the frequent narrow escapes, which, both in open waters and mm! channels, it is thought may be almost entirely au>iil.\| by the adoption of these bigmk 9th. Aa several accidents hare occured from misiiuilersrainiiaie. arising as to difiii stflsimors intend to take in passing at night., and as the sounding of the steam wliistbh i-giihilioii has li ieii fuin-.d in praeiiau t.. >irc\eiit eon fusion and add to public nafetj, ih I'Hiaitl beg leave I,, r-.-i- lniuemi to the Department., that th" following: rulo be atlMl (he Navigation Ac , it ' eiug an abstrnct of a rule hi piwticoiii the L'nited Suitw, liS