35 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 5.) A, Rati Ontario Divition. 24th May, Steamer H. A. Calvin, while intow of barges off Farren's Point broke the fork centre of her working beam, she got to the wharf for repairs, without further damage. July 15th, Propeller Magnet, when cntri-in- CM. St. Paul l.-wk. UcLine Cud, BiTtw j<ijl f"ul, ami tin' piijfirn" ln-i-r-inn '.Liiri:;iu;.-.':,!.li\ vessel struck the pier and sunt in the lock ; hull afterwards condemned. September "th, Slmuiei Xui-j'u '.'â- , nNmrt.-d having broken her crank. October 17th, Passenger SU'Uiiii-r John Creenwny, burnt at the wharf at Pictta Total loaa. Fire supposed to have been accidental. Mmtred toUbUt. Mny 14th, Steam Tug Faum, while on her way up the current StJIuy,* Montreal, Willi usrL"---. in ii.m, rijibp.-ivd h.-r stfum I'hiiniiey. Octobnr iath,"l'ni|H'll.-r .faiHit, mi her way down struck the rocks at Late St I'm!, near [iii'liiiii-, :iii(l sunk msi.1.- tin' pier ;â- !â- La-hiii.' ran:1.!. Tin' aividi'li; a(-ji:vjlt' .Vera Swlix and Stvs Rrtameidi District. There are ho accidents reported iu the Three Rirers District. (Signed) Saul. Eislet, Chairman of tU Board of Steamboat Tii/pectun Blsy-I bes leave lo report the accident, to the steam Kegels In the Quebr !!Z;t r-i!rVi,'sxJt= sua. sa,"Si ?: '" ?s°r"" h°e ""w,"i" °°"'"" '*"""'"'"' °' Mâ„¢"~" t°°l *'* -' 5ES.*s a a&ftta? mi jsi rasa lit'