â- Victoria. Sessional Papers [No. 5.] A. 1875. SUPPLEMENT No. 2 TO THE I ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES, IFOIR 1874:, BEING A LIST OF VESSELS ON THE REGISTRY BOOKS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, OS THE 31 ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1874, ALSO .( Ik of Wrecks and Casualties for the same year, along with Reports of hivestigations into Wrecks ; ALSO, 'Hid of id! Masters and Mates who have received Certificates of competency err service in the Dominion up to 81st December, 1874 » ALSO, I list»/ Steamers which have been inspected in 1874, and a List of Engineers who have received Certificates. ALSO, A List of Rewards for Saving Life during 1874-Hon. A. J. SMITH, Me. Wm. Smith, Minister of Murine and Fisheries. Deputy Minister of Marine ami Fisheries. OTTAWA: I aTi.