Date of Casualty of Teseel. May 23 June 12 July 3 Dec. 1 May 10 1 Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Nov. E July 7 tfov. Jet, Nov. May IB Algoma........ Annie Falconer. Babineau and Gaudry..... City of London . Coresanda ..... Charm......... B. W. Folga. Cumberland. Eliza Fisher..... 7 Favorite........ Fanny Campbell.. Francis Palmer.. Georgian...'..... Oct. 9 Ionia April 19 James Scott I 6 New 8 4 Port cf Begi Str v. Montreal....... Kingston........ Montreal........ Quebec.......... Toronto......... Tort Stanley..... Port Hope...... Kingston........ do American........ St. Catharines .. American......._ do Hamilton *..... Port Dover Port Sailed From Port Bound To Collingwood to Duluth, u. s................. Cleveland, U. S. to Kingston, Ont.............. Oswego to Belleville...... Oswego to Picton, Ont.. Presque Island to Collingwood ................ Collingwood to Chicago.. Oswego to Trenton....... Napanee to Oswego...... Oswego to Cobourg, Ont.. Detroit to Lake Erie ___ Windsor to Collins' Inlet. Chicago to Buffalo........ Dalhousie to Quebec...... Consecon, Ont., to Oswego, IT. S................. Dunville to Port Burwell. Big Steamer.. Schooner. Schooner.. Schooner Steamer . Steamer Schooner. Schooner. Schooner. Steamer . Batk ... Bark Steam Tug Schooner.. Schooner. 623 201 116 155 229 307 275 Place where Casualty hapi ened Nature of ; asualty 5 miles S. E. of Lonely Island, Georg'n Bay 2 miles north Port Col-bourne, in the Canal â- 20 miles from Belleville, Lake Ontario Amherst Island, Lake Ontario........... Off Collingwood, G eorgian Bay. Collins' Inlet, Geor gian Bay.......... Amherst Island, Lake Ontario........ H. W. corner of Amherst Island .... 137 51 346 Un kn'n 52 8 miles from Coburg machinery broke. .. Foundered Stranded.. do .. Took fire,. Burnt..... Stranded.. Foundered Struck Timber floats in Canal Struck a Shoal. Stress of weather .......... Dismasted. Bar Point, 3 miles Upset. from Amherstburg.. Manitoulin Gulf, Ontario.......... Long Point, Lake Erie.............. Stranded. do . Grafton, Ont. Cp.uso of Caeualty Woodwork around smoke-stacknot properly secured.. Not known.... Thick weather. Stress of weather ........ do Stranded. Middle Ground, 1 mile ! E. of Presque Isl'ndj 33JMouth of Port Bar-Struck I well Harbour......| pier . do By a vessel in tow........ Stress of weath er.......... do Total O] Partial Loss Error of Judgment ....... Sprung a leak.. Not being properly handled do do do do do do 1 none do do do do Partial do do do $1,000 Unknown 1,000 2, OCX) do Total Partial do do Total Partial 22,500 2,000 Unknown 600 2,000 15,000 LTnknown. 200 FartiaMl,20O do 300, cargo $290