38 Victoria. Sessional Papers [No. 5.] A. 1875 RE POET OF THE CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OE STEAMBOAT INSPECTION FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1874. Board of Steamboat Inspection-. Chairman's Offi&e, 1st January, 1875. Honourable A. J. Smith, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. Sir,â€"I have the honour to submit herewith my Annual Report for the Year ended 31st December, 1874. The Annual Meeting of the Board of Steamboat Inspection was convened at Ottawa, on the 4th November last. Besides the examination of Engineers and general business of the Board, the following Rules, for the guidance of Inspectors, were passed. First.â€"That Engineers who cannot read or write, shall not be granted a higher grade than First Class Assistant Engineer's Certificate, to obtain which they must have not less than twenty years' experience on Steamboats, either as Fireman or Assistant Engineer, and be not under fifty years of age. This Rule will not apply to the endorsement of a Certificate under Section 9, 32 and 33 Vie., chap. 39, for which the holder may be specially qualified. Second.â€" Persons acting as Engineers without Certificates from the Board. No person shall be credited in his examination papers with service as Engineer, unless holding a Certificate from the Board, or other duly qualified papers entitling him to such position ; other experience in the capacity of Engineer is to be considered only as equal to that obtained in the Firehold, and no person shall be allowed to take watch on a passenger steamer who does not hold a Certificate from the Board authorizing him to act in such capacity. This rule shall also apply to Freight and Tug .Steamers over 100 tons burthen. Third.â€" Life Boats. The instructions of the Chairman to the District Inspectors, of the 22nd April 1874, with reference to Life Boats, are approved, namely,â€"that the Life Boat referred to in Section 16 of the Steamboat Inspection Act be not less than 22 feet keel with corresponding width and depth ; that in cases where the Life Boat is less than 22 feet keel, but not less than 20 feet over all, it will be optional with the Inspector to pass it provided another Life Boat, not less than 18 feet keel, be provided, in addition to the one of inadequate size. Dimensions of Life Boats. The following Rule is adopted by the Board, regulating the relative dimensions of Life Boats :â€"The width between metal and metal amidships to be one-fourth the length, and the depth one-half the width, measuring from base line or top of keel to gunwale. The following Rule is adopted by the Board for determining the nnmber of persons a Life Boat may sustain, inside and outside :â€" 22 feet keel....................50 persons. 20 „ •.....................40 „ 18 „....................30 17 „ ....................25 In cases where the Life Boat is not of the proportions of the foregoing Rule regulating its dimensions, an additional Life Boat may be provided to make up the required Life Boat capacity of the Steamer, but' this is only to apply to Steamers that are already provided with Life Boats. The following Rule is adopted by the Board for determining the carrying capacity, in persons, of Yawl Boats :â€"Multiply the length, breadth, and depth (from top of keel to gunwale, and divide by 10, will be the number of persons allowable to Such boat. 38 Victoria. Fourth.â€" Press Inspectors of 2, Section 11., ret charge to open th below the pressur same be printed o Fifth.â€" The Board r« use of Fire Extinj These Exting and in one instani loss by fire. Sixth.â€" Inspectors of Lever or Spring-w to be reliable, and Examination! during the year a Ontario. Windsor, Chatham, Hamilton, St. Catherines, Toronto, Lindsay, Kingston. Ottawa, During the y issued during the The sum of fr by me on this aec< This exceeds by ei account for 1873. Appended ai during the year, inspected in the D also, Statements c with particulars o: or unfit for use. Casualty Reti not so complete as will account for on I am glad to ] or neglect of duty respect, and engint revoked when sue]