38 Victoria. Sessional Papers [No. 5.] A. 1875 Fourth.â€" Pressure op Boilers to be kept within the allowed limit. Inspectors of Steamboats are required to see that the provision of law, sub-section 2, Section 11., requiring (when a Steamboat is stopped for any purpose,) the person in charge to open the safety valve, so as to keep the steam in the boiler down to 10 lbs! below the pressure limited by the Inspector's Certificate, are carried out, and that the same be printed on the back of Engineers' Certificates. Fifth.â€" Fire Extinguishers. The Board recommend urgently that an Order in Council be passed, requiring the use of Eire Extinguishers on all Steamboats. These Extinguishers have proved of great use on Steamboats during the past season, and in one instanee, the Master of the " Cumberland " reports saved his Steamer from loss by fire. Sixth.â€" Safety Valves. Inspectors of Steamboats are authorized by the Board to make no distinction between Lever or Spring-weighted Safety Valves ; that either form may pass inspection, if found to be reliable, and in conformity to the requirements of Law. Engineers. Examinations and renewals of Certificates to qualified Engineers, have been made during the year at the following places in the Dominion:â€" Ontario. Prov. of Quebec. Maritime Provinces. Windsor, Montreal. Halifax, N.S.; Chatham, Sorel, Pictou, N.S.; Hamilton, Quebec. Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; St. Catherines, St. John, N.B.; Toronto, Eredericton, N.B.; Lindsay, Bichibucto, KB.; Kingston. La Have, N.S. ; Ottawa, Olace Bay, C.B.,N.S. ; Summerside, P.E.I. During the year there have been issued 1058 certificates, being 234 more than were issued during the year 1873â€" Classified thus,â€"First-class Engineers.......... 56 ,, „ Second-class „ .......... 151 ,, ,, Third-class ,, .......... 180 ,, „ First-class Assistant Engineers.. 200 „ ,, Second-class ,, „ . . 258 Third-class „ „ 213==1,058 The sum of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine dollars has been received by me on this account, and paid over to the credit of the Steamboat Inspection Fund. This exceeds by eight hundred and twenty-four dollars, the amount received on the same account for 1873. Appended are Statements "Form" No 10, examination and renewal of Certificates during the year, and amount of fees collected thereon. Also, Statement of steamers inspected in the Dominion, and the amount of duties and fees collected on that account; also, Statements of the number of steamers added to the number in the Dominion, with particulars of their class, the number also broken up, or taken out of service, lost, or unfit for use. Casualty Beturns from the several districts are also appended ; these I apprehend are not so complete as they should be. The failure of masters of steamers to report casualties, will account for omissions in this respect. I am glad to be able to report but very few cases of drunkenness among engineers, or neglect of duty on this account. The rules of the Board are very strkgent in this respect, and engineers being aware of it, know the risk they run of having their certificates revoked when such cases are reported. The influence of the Board, in bringing forward