40 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 5.) A. 1877 Engineers have been examined and certificates to qualified engineers been, renewed at the following places in the Dominion : Ontario. Windsor, Sarnia, Chatham, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Collingwood, Lindsay, Kingston, Ottawa. Province of Quebec. Montreal, Sorel, Quebec, Levis. Maritime Provinces. Halifax, N. S., Pictou, LaHave, N.S., N. Sidney, C.B., Glace Bay, C.B., St. John, KB., Fredericton, N.B., Eichibucto, N.B., Charlottetown, P.E.I., Summerside, P.E.I. British Columbia. Victoria. During the year there were issued 1,145 certificates, against 929 last year, showing an increase of 216 for the year just closed. A part of this increase is due to British Columbia, not included in last year's returns, and the certificates are classed thus :â€" CLASSIFICATION OF ENGINEERS. First Class Chief Engineers...................... 62 Second Class Engineers........................... 163 Third Class Engineers............................ 202 First Class Assistant Engineers................ 301 Second Class Assistant Engineers........... 166 Third Class Assistant Engineers................ 148 Limited Engineers' Certificates to a special steamer for which they are considered qualified....................................... 103=1,145. The sum of $3,038 has been received by me for fees on this account, and paid over to the credit of the Steamboat Inspection Fund, being $535 in excess of the amount paid on this account during the year 1875. A statement, under form 10, showing the grade, employment and fees paid by each Engineer, is appended. By it may be traced the account of money paid by each Engineer from the time of his first appearance before the Board to the present, going back to the year 1860. The following table exhibits the gross and registered tonnage of Steam Vessels in the Dominion during the the years named :â€" GROSS AND REGISTERED TONNAGE IN THE DOMINION. Year. Gross Tons. Registered Tons. Gross Tons. Registered Tons. Gross Tons. Registered Tons. 1873 92,298 102,138 117,251 111,953-49 56,457 62,518 72,851 67,996-40 1874 1875 1876 9,840 15,113 6,061 10,333 do do ...... 5,297-51 do ...... do ...... 4,854-60 2