MARINE DIRECTORY. 281 JOHN TOD. JOS. G. BUTLER, Jr. JOHN STAMBAUGH. ROBT. McCURDY. TOD, STAMBAUGH & CO. Merchants' Bank Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Miners and Dealers in Church Hill, Brier Hill, Massilloit, Yougiiiogiieiiy. PIG IRON. Lalce Superior Iron Ores. Grocery I Provision Dealer DEALER IN Green, Canned and Dried Fruits, Family and Vessel Supplies. 317 Detroit Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. Telephone No. 1540. C. E. BENHAM. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners AND AGENTS. Rooms 8 <t 9, Merchants' Nat'l liank Building. Telephone No. 170. CLEVELAND, 0.