MARINE DIEECTOKY, H &.I. DOUGHERTY. McCORMlCK & CO. M. J. McCOEMICK. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Green Bay, Wis. And Proprietors of GIIEEN BAY, MANISTIQUE and MACKINAC LINE. steamer For information relative to Freight or apply to McCOItMICK "City of Green Bay" Leaves Green Bay twice a week for Sturgeon Bay, Menominee, Egg Harbor, Sister Bay, Ephraim, Escanaba, Fayette, Thompson, So. Manistique, Manistique and intermediate ports, connecting with Str. MESSENGER for St. Ignace, Mackinac, Cheboygan and the East. & Co., CJreen Bay, Wis. Manufacturers of Every Description of Portable, Stationary and MARINE Boilers, IRON BRIDGES, GIRDERS, TANKS, SMOKE STACKS, Etc. HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL ENGINES OE^ EVERT EESCEIPTIOIT. All kinds of Steam Yachts and Tugs built to order. Steam Engine Fittings of every description kept in Stock. First-class Iron and Brass Castings to order. Every description of Sheet Iron Work done to order. Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works, - Water Street, BROCKYILLE, ONT. BAILEY BROTHERS, GROCERS and dealers in WHITE LEAD, OILS, Etc., etc. Particular Attention given to VESSEL SUPPLIES. MARQUETTE, - MICH. 37