MARINE DIRECTORY. 3 PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! all kinds of IRON PUMPS, including Field's Combined Force and Lift PUMPS, Which are positively the cheapest Force Pumps in the World. FIELD S DOUBLE ACTING MARINE PUMPS A SPECIALTY. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Field Force Pump Co., OCKPORT, NEW YORK. INLAND MARINE INSURANCE. iCtna Insurance Company of HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $4,000,000.00; Assets Jan. 1,1884, $9,192,643.80. THE jETNA INSURANCE CO. has been engaged in the businese of INLAND MARINE INSURANCE upon the lakes continuously since the year 1847, with Agencies established at all of the principal Lake Forts. Policies issued upon application on approved risks upon HULLS. CARGOES and FREIGHT LISTS of Standard Vessels at GOING RATES, and PROMPT ATTENTION given as heretofore to the adjustment and SETTLEMENT of LOSS CLAIMS. 0. T. FLINT, Superintendent of Marine Agencies. Capt. E. M. MARION, Marine Inspector. Office, Corner Main and Terrace, BUFFALO, NEW YORK.