L. POLK & CO.'S 4 MAE_ To aDT INTRODUCTION. The need of a directory and guide for the Lake system has several times, during the past few years, been suggested to the publishers by prominent persons connected with the vessel interest, but no steps were taken in the matter until the early part of the present year, and even then if the publishers had had an adequate idea of the magnitude of the undertaking, the extreme difficulty of obtaining necessary statistics, or the large amount of money required to perfect the work, it is probable the enterprise would have been abandoned soon after its inception. It was the intention and hope to compile a book which would be worthy the large and wealthy interest it represented, and to this end agents experienced in the manner of collecting directory information were dispatched to almost every accessible point on the shores, in addition to which communication by correspondence was opened either with a prominent official or some one intimately acquainted with the marine business at each port. The matter thus obtained, was then, after a careful revision, placed in the printers' hands, and the following pages will, it is thought, prove that the publishers' labors were not in vain, and that the hope with which the work was commenced has been accomplished. The greater portion of this directory is composed of matter not obtainable from any other publication. The earlier pages contain a complete alphabetically arranged list of all vessels (steam or sail, canal, lake or river) navigating the inland seas, showing the name, rig, tonnage, where, when and by whom built, port of hail and name of owner, and the rating and grade under which each is classed by insurance companies, which is prefaced by a description of the system of classification adopted by the inland Lloyds. The classified business directory which follows the list of vessels and which contains the names of all persons engaged in any recognized calling pertaining to the marine interests and located on the shores of the great lakes has been compiled with great care, with the expectation that it will be found invaluable to the patrons of the work. The sketches of the various lakes, ports and harbors, containing a description of each place, with population, prominent interests, sailing courses to other points, piers, wharves, lights, depth of water, kind of anchorage and name of port collector or deputy, when such functionary exists, and other items of interest have been prepared specially for this work by a well known nautical writer. Following this is an