Heavy Robbery
- Publication
- Oswego Commercial Times (Oswego, NY), 3 Oct 1864
- Full Text
Heavy Robbery — On the arrival of the steamer Bay State at this port on Saturday morning, information was given at the police office that a heavy robbery had taken place on board that steamer during her trip to this place. A man named George C. Washburn, of Batavia, had been relieved of the sum of $603 in bank bills and $2.25 in silver by some light-fingered gentry on board, whose detection the police were desired to accomplish. Chief Reed immediately set about the task, and in a short time two persons, who were replenishing their wardrobes at the clothing store of Messrs. Knock & Ould, were arrested on suspicion of being the parties who committed the robbery. It was ascertained they had been passengers on the steamer and a search revealed the some of $480 on the person of one of them. In payment of the goods they had been purchasing they had tendered a $100 bill, which, with the other money found, Mr. Washburn recognized as a portion of his missing funds. The arrested parties gave their names as Stephen W. Caniff and James Knoggs. An examination was held before the Recorder and the parties were committed to stand their trial on the charge of grand larceny. The arrest, we understand was made by officers Morgan and Houghton.
The steamers of the Lake Ontario Steamboat Company have been peculiarly favored by freedom from the operations of the swell mob gentry, and the above is the first instance that has occurred on board any of them for a long period. The admirable regulations of the company makes it a difficult task for these operatives to work successfully on board, hence they seek some other field. The prompt arrest of the above parties will probably deter any accomplices they may have from attempting a similar operation.
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 3 Oct 1864
- Subject(s)
- Personal Name(s)
- Washburn, George C. ; Caniff, Stephen W. ; Knoggs, James
- Corporate Name(s)
- Lake Ontario Steamboat Company ; Knock & Ould
- Collection
- Richard Palmer
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
New York, United States
Latitude: 43.45535 Longitude: -76.5105
- Creative Commons licence
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- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Maritime History of the Great LakesEmail:walter@maritimehistoryofthegreatlakes.ca