Do You Remember
- Publication
- Oswego Palladium-Times (Oswego, NY), 13 Nov 1942
- Full Text
- Do You Remember
By Jay Knox
In the many recent write-ups pertaining to the razing of an old Oswego landmark, the writers inadvertently failed to mention the name of the former tenants of the building. One of the earliest tenants of the building was prominent in the navigation era, which was then such a prominent factor in Oswego's commercial life.
It might not have been the largest of its kind at that time and never claimed to be, yet it was as lively as any of its neighbors. Located as it was, on West Cayuga street, between West First and Water street, it stood out so proudly, as we see it, and it catered to those following the Great Lakes as a business.
It was in the early 1880s, when we remember it best, but it was established long before. It was operated by one of Oswego's best known captains of all time, Captain Thomas Martin, who also owned one or two lake carriers. His family home was on West Seventh street, between Cayuga and Bridge.
That store or office was the headquarters for sailors, and it was known as a ship commission and chandlery store. At the Cayuga end of the old Academy of Music building was Daniel E. Lyons & Son, ship chandlers, known for years later as the Parsons' store. The 1880s, we'll admit, carries us back a long time before any of our linotypists were even born, yet there are hundreds of this corner's friends who were running around then, ad should recall the Martin Chandlery Store and who who might be interested perhaps, of some of those other merchants who had stores in close proximity to the old block that is soon to pass into oblivion.
The corner opposite the Salvation home was once a large wholesale grocery. It occupied the whole block on Cayuga street, and it was conduced with complete success by the firm of J.M. and N. Andrews. Right next door on the north side was Parker & Son, wholesale and retail dealers in kerosene oil - The Oswego Oil Co.
M. Culeton on the northwest corner had a grocery store that covered great floor space, and oh, what a trade he had!
Around the former of the "Sal," where the Masonic (Frontiers) are, was Oliver Falrell's Ice Cream. Ice cream with cake at the top price of 10 cents.
T.C. and W. Gilchrist were well known grocers on West First street, and A. and H. Freunlich were clothiers on the same street, and Jacob David was another.
We've been threatened with a summons if we should mention once more the name of the occupant of the store now known as R.E. Davis & Son, on the corner of First and Cayuga.They were bakers of M.W. bread, and their neighbor on the south was John H. Phillips' meat market.
We have lost all traces as to who was on the other corner, but we have an idea it was a savings bank that was not being operated, leaving its building for a reminder.
- Creator
- Knox, Jay, Author
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 13 Nov 1942
- Personal Name(s)
- Martin, Thomas ; Parsons, John S. ; Culeton, M. ; Falrell, Oliver ; Gilchrist, W. ; Gilchrist, T. C. ; Freunlich, A. ; Freunlich, A. ; Phillips, John H.
- Corporate Name(s)
- Daniel E. Lyons & Son ; J.M. and N. Andrews ; Oswego Oil Company ; R.E. Davis & Son
- Collection
- Richard Palmer
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
New York, United States
Latitude: 43.45535 Longitude: -76.5105
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- Maritime History of the Great