Troubles at Kingston Harbor
- Publication
- Globe (Toronto, ON), 11 Nov 1913, p. 4
- Full Text
- Troubles at Kingston Harbor
Kingston. Nov. 10.-- Kingston received a good taste of the gale, which was the worst at this end of the lake that has been experienced in years. Two scows, laden with hay, came into collision with another vessel lat the C.P.R. wharf and sank. It was with difficulty that scores of large vessels were kept from drifting out into the harbor. The steamer Noble broke loose from the Montreal Transportation Company's wharf, and had to be moved to better shelter. The steamer Pellatt made an attempt to run up harbor and continute her trip west, but had to return, as progress was impossible.
The King street breakwater, exposed to full fury of the southwest gale is badly broken up and the waves are dashing over the street adjoining. Part of the lighting system was cut out of commission for about an hour, and several small buildings and trees succumbed to the force of the gale.
Steamers awaiting to be unloaded at the M.T. Company elevator had to retain their cargoes, for it was impossible to operate the elevator. Much damage was done along the harbor front to small craft, several motor boats being sunk. King street breakwater was badly damaged by the tremendous waves that washed over it. To-night the storm is abating somewhat, and there is a fall of snow and rain.
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 11 Nov 1913
- Subject(s)
- Corporate Name(s)
- Montreal Transportation Company
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.2270538567349 Longitude: -76.4761734814453
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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- Maritime History of the Great