Marine News
- Publication
- Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH), 25 Jul 1864, p. 3
- Full Text
- Marine News.
The splendid screw steamer Pewabic, Capt. GEO. McKAY, will leave for Lake Superior this evening, from HANNA, GARRETSON & Co's Dock. The Pewabic is one of the staunchest steamers afloat on the Western waters.
The propeller NORTHERN LIGHT arrived from Lake Superior this morning, at 4 o'clock. She left Ontanogan on the 20th inst. She had a very favorable passage during the whole trip. She left Eagle River, Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor on the morning of the 21st inst.; left Portage on the evening of the 21st; met the Iron City and Traveler between Marquett[sic] and the Sault; left Marquett on the evening of the 22d -- the steamer Commet [sic] and several vessels were leading at Marquett landing; left the Sault on the 22d; met the Meteor below Churches. The NORTHERN LIGHT brought down 210 cakes and eighty-four barrels of copper, and eighty-five tuns of pig iron, besides a good number of passengers. She leaves on her return voyage on Thursday. We are indebted to the gentlemanly clerk, Mr. W. T. Butts, for the above statements.
The steamer CLEVELAND arrived from Lake Superior yesterday. She brought a large number of passengers and a quantity of miscellaneous freight. She leaves to-morrow evening.
The steamer CITY OF CLEVELAND will leave this evening, at 7 o'clock for Detroit, on her regular trip.
The propeller WISCONSIN left this morning for Odgensburg.
The propeller GRANITE STATE will leave to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock for Ogdensburg.
The propeller PRAIRIE STATE leaves to-morrow evening at 10 o'clock, for Chicago.
The propeller EDITH arrived from Buffalo last evening. She will leave for Chicago this evening.
The steamer WENONA will leave for Chicago at 6 o'clock P.M.
The propeller ATLANTIC will leave this port for Buffalo, at half-past three o'clock this afternoon.
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 25 Jul 1864
- Subject(s)
- Personal Name(s)
- McKay, George ; Butts, W. T.
- Geographic Coverage
Ohio, United States
Latitude: 41.4995 Longitude: -81.69541
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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