Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), 26 Jun 1897

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The Canadian Requirements Are Amply Sufficient.

Last week the collector of customs at Cape Vincent, N.Y., issued an order forbidding the steamer Pierrepont, when having passengers aboard, going around the head of Wolfe Island on her ferry trips to and from Kingston and Cape Vincent. The requirements set up by the American government touching the outfit that lake going steamers must carry are different from those of Canada. The steamer was fitted out according to the Canadian requirements, sufficient in every particular, but the Cape Vincent collector thought the steamer must comply with the American requirements as well. The matter was referred to the authorities at Washington for settlement, the exact condition of affairs being set forth. Meanwhile the officers of the steamer complied with the command issued by the Cape Vincent collector. Yesterday an answer arrived, to the effect that the Canadian requirements as fulfilled were sufficient, and that the steamer could make her trips by way of the head of the island. The change of route made a difference of an hour in the trip each way.

Keep On The Ranges.

An old mariner, who watched the steamer Norwalk enter port last evening and noted the careful manner in which the pilot kept the range lights in view, says that if all laden craft entering the harbor would keep the range lights in line until well abreast of the M.T. Co.'s long wharf before hauling in shore, there would not be any danger of going on the shoal off Richardson & Sons' elevator. He says the error which strange pilots make is in hauling too close to shore immediately after passing Martello tower, thus steering in a direct line for the shoal that exists all along that section. He says there are nineteen feet of water in the regular channel.

Marine Paragraphs.

The schooner Acacia is discharging a cargo of coal at Swift's wharf.

The tug Walker with three grain laden barges cleared this morning for Montreal.

The steamer Iona, on her way down the river, grain laden, coaled at Swift's wharf last night.

The schooner Wells, Oswego, is discharging 200 tons of coal at Crawford & Co.'s wharf.

The schooner Grantham cleared last evening for Chicago to load coal for Rockwood asylum.

The sloop Idlewild, Gananoque, arrived this morning with a cargo of sand for A. McCartney, contractor.

The M.T. Co.'s tug Bronson was floated out of the government dry dock yesterday after having had her wheel repaired.

The steamer Parsons is expected to arrive at Swift's wharf this afternoon with a cargo of coal from Toledo, Ohio, for James Swift & Co.

The R. & O. steamer Hamilton called at Swift's last night on her trip from Montreal to Hamilton. She carried few passengers, but had a heavy cargo of freight.

The steamer Norwalk, Duluth, 53,000 bushels of wheat, arrived at the M.T. Co.'s anchorage last evening, was discharged and cleared again for the west this morning.

It is asserted that the Ogdensburg elevator and storehouse is for sale and the M.T. Co. is negotiating for its purchase. If the deal is carried to an issue the M.T. Co. will move its plant from this port to Ogdensburg.

The steamer Nichols cleared last evening for Dexter, N.Y. with a cargo of pulpwood. This steamer has been employed all season in carrying pulp wood from this port to Dexter. A great number of cords of wood has been taken over.

It is the intention of the Messrs. Folger to run the steamer America tri-weekly to Montreal during the summer season, making her trips from Clayton. The steamer will be dry-docked and her rudder lowered so as to make her answer her tiller more readily when shooting the rapids.

At Richardson & Sons' elevator: schooner Pilot, Bath, 2,500 bushels of oats; schooner H.M. Ballou, Belleville, 3,000 bushels of oats and peas; sloop Madcap, Amherst Island, 2,000 bushels of oats; sloop Maggie L., Wolfe Island, 4,000 bushels of oats. The barge Albani loaded 15,000 bushels of oats for Montreal.



On Thursday last as the steamer Pierrepont was towing the schooner Fleetwing through the channel between the "spile" dock and the cotton mill the steamer struck a sunken barge in mid-channel, breaking her tow post off. The Fleetwing struck also and suffered more extensive damages that will necessitate her going into dry-dock for repairs. As the dry-docks here have both been engaged for some days the schooner will take a cargo of lumber to Oswego, N.Y., and will dock there.

The wreck on which the vessels struck must, according to the opinion of Capt. M. Shaw, of the Fleetwing, have drifted out into the channel with the ice last spring, as, he says, he has been sailing there for seven years past and has never met with it before. It is only about eighteen inches below the surface and Capt. Shaw holds that it should be removed at once or that a buoy should be placed above it to prevent further accidents. Through the mishap to his vessel he loses trips, as well as the expense of having the Fleetwing docked and repaired.


Will leave foot of Clarence street for Gananoque and way ports Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 4 p.m., and Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Leave Gananoque Sunday at 6 p.m. Round trip only 25 cents.


Sunday trips - 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., and 1:15 and 6:30 p.m. Round trip only 10 cents.

Picnic and private parties carried at greatly reduced rates. For further information apply to T.J. CRAIG, Manager.

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Date of Publication
26 Jun 1897
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Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
Rick Neilson
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Public Domain [more details]
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), 26 Jun 1897