Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), 15 Jul 1897

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The barge Dunmore is discharging 1,300 tons of coal at the M.T. Co.'s long wharf.

The schooner Acacia cleared, light, from Swift's last night to load coal at Charlotte.

The tugs Hall and Thomson cleared last night for Montreal with twelve grain-laden barges.

The schooner Fleetwing arrived with a cargo of coal for Swift & Co., from Charlotte.

The steamer Kate Butteroni, after discharging at Portsmouth, cleared last night for Duluth.

The schooner Pilot, Bay of Quinte ports, arrived last night with a cargo of oats for Richardson & Sons.

The tug Bronson, with three light barges from Montreal, arrived at the M.T. Co.'s anchorage last night.

The schooner Fabiola arrived at Swift's wharf last night with a cargo of soft coal, from Charlotte, for Swift & Co.

Following is a list of new buoys to be placed by the lighthouse supply steamer Haze: A flashing gas buoy south-west of Rock Island, on reef extending southward and westward of the Sunken Rock lighthouse, near Alexandria Bay; on Feather-bed shoal, near Cape Vincent; and on Charity shoal, in Lake Ontario.


"It is time that something were done to relieve the condition of sailors residing at this port," said a sailor to a Whig reporter this morning. "There are many mariners in town who have been idle since navigation opened, and for whom there is no prospect of getting work this season. This is not because the trade to and from this port has decreased or is decreasing. It is on account of the fact that outside vessels are engaged by Kingstonians to do the great bulk of the trade here, while Kingston boats lie idle all season. A few years ago a Kingston vessel could not go into Port Hope without sustaining injury of some sort or another. Now Port Hope boats are doing nearly all the carrying trade to and from Kingston. Yet the local vessels that lie idle throughout the season are in every way as staunch and as capable of doing the work as are the Port Hope boats. Something should be done to remedy this state of affairs and to give work to local vessels and sailors. We purpose taking the matter up as soon as the current season has closed, and we will see what we can do by our own efforts. We would prefer, though, to have the aid of ship-owners."

p.4 Wind Wafts - The tug Parthia, of the Calvin wrecking and salvage company, yesterday released the propeller Cuba, which went ashore in the rapids near Cornwall. She was first lightered, and was then easily pulled off and towed to Montreal.

The Report Is Incorrect - The report to the effect that the R. & O. navigation company has purchased the steamers Island Wanderer and Island Belle for rather more than $20,000 is incorrect. The vessels named have not been bought by the R. & O. navigation company, but it is understood that the Thousand Island steamboat company has acquired possession of them.



Arrivals - steamer Bannockburn, Fort William, 76,000 bushels of wheat; steamer Glengarry and consort Minnedosa, Chicago, 87,000 bushels of corn; schooner Nellie Hunter, Oswego, 300 tons of coal; schooner Merritt, Fort William, 35,000 bushels of wheat; sloop Idlewild, Stella, 1,500 bushels of oats; schooner Owen, Chicago, 51,000 bushels of corn; schooner Fabiola, Oswego, 275 tons of coal; schooner Burton, Oswego, 325 tons of coal; schooner Kate, Oswego, 200 tons of coal; steamer Elfinmere, Duluth, 40,000 bushels wheat; steamer Clinton, Pine River, timber; steamer Blanchard, Toledo, 40,000 bushels of corn.

Departures - steamer Bannockburn, light, Fort William; steamer Glengarry and consort Minnedosa, light, Chicago; steame S.J. Murphy, light, Duluth; schooner St. Louis, light, Serpent River; schooner Nellie Hunter, light, Oswego; schooner Burton, light, Oswego; schooner Merritt, light, Fort William; schooner Pilot, light, Consecon; schooner John Shute, light, Toledo; steamer Bothnia, light, Toledo; schooner Owen, light, Chicago; steamer Elfinmere, light, Duluth; schooner Dunn, light, Toledo; steamer Blanchard, light, Toledo.

St. Lawrence River & Thousand Island Steamboat Co.'s (Limited).


In Connection with New York Central & Hudson River Railroad

and Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad, via Clayton, N.Y.


Commencing On Wednesday, July 7th.

Timetable - Tri-Weekly Service

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.


Leaves Kingston 3:15 a.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.

Arrive Montreal, 5:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.


Leave Montreal 7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.

Arrive Kingston 9:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.

N.B. - Steamers call 1,000 Island Points,

Brockville, Prescott and Cornwall.


The new American Line to Montreal is the fulfillment of a long felt want. The Steamers "Empire State," "America" and "St. Lawrence" are up-to-date boats, constructed specially for this route upon the most advanced lines of modern shipbuilding. They have luxurious cabins on main and promenade decks, and their tasteful furnishings are complete in every detail.

The beautiful, spacious Dining Rooms on the Main Deck, with their generous plate glass windows, are equipped with individual tables and have the largest seating capacity of any steamers on the St. Lawrence River. The skillful arrnagement allows affords passengers the rare privilege of enjoying the excellent meals without missing any of the unparalleled scenery. The cuisine is of the first order; no expense being spared to make the dining room service as perfect as culinary skill can devise. These graceful boats are brilliantly lighted by electricity, and equipped with the most powerful type of Marine Electric Search Lights.

The Steamers all burn Anthracite Coal, which accounts for their immaculate cleanliness, and the entire absence of smoke (the objectionable feature of a steamboat trip) resulting in the well-merited distinction of the "White Squadron." They are readily recognized by the New York Central Shield on the white smoke stacks.

These Steamers are essentially day line boats. The main purpose of their careful construction being to adapt them for day-light service to Montreal. Their clear, spacious, unobstructed decks afford the grandest possible opportunity for the full enjoyment of this most thrilling trip on the American continent.

The American Line of Steamers are the lightest draught passenger boats on this route, thus ensuring their being able to run all the rapids, even when the water is at its lowest point.

Notice regarding daily service will appear later.

N.B. - Passengers from Kingston can go on board steamer night before (after 9:30 p.m.) and are entitled to free berth.

Send two cent stamp for descriptive pamphlet.


City Passenger Agent, Foot Brock Street, Kingston.

Media Type
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Date of Publication
15 Jul 1897
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Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
Rick Neilson
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Public Domain [more details]
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), 15 Jul 1897