Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), 22 Jul 1898

Full Text

p.1 Bought The Steamer Ottawa - Pembroke, July 22nd - Yesterday the Pembroke navigation company purchased the steamer Ottawa from J.A. Thibodeau, and thus secured a monopoly of the Upper Ottawa river traffic. The rivalry between the two boats has been a source of amusement and profit to the public, but it is not anticipated that the company will raise the rates.


Beginning Of The L.Y.R.A.'s Regatta.


The rendezvous races under the lake yacht racing association were started this morning under the most favorable circumstances. The day was a perfect one from a yachtsman's standpoint, everything being favorable to an exciting race. The wind from the eastern point blew with fair velocity, and was just heavy enough to allow the yachts to carry full canvas. It was a breeze which proved a joy to the sailors and enthused them with a spirit to go in and win. The heavens were dotted with sufficient white fleecy clouds to break the hot rays of the July sun, so keenly felt these days, and added much to the pleasure of the race.

The preliminary skirmishing of the yachts while waiting for the sound of the signal guns, formed a pretty spectacle and gave the sailors an idea of how their boats would act under existing conditions. None were disappointed, and trimmed themselves for a hard race. While the wind was high, it was from such a direction that there was little chance for a large sea to raise. The waves caused smaller yachts a little inconvenience, but the larger classes cut through the water with perfect ease, and without any undesirable pounding.

Each yacht entered was prepared for the start and was out skirmishing when officer Phillips sounded the time gun at 10:30 o'clock. The course as followed by the boats covered twelve miles, and the first-class and thirty-two foot class being required to sail two rounds, their run was twenty-four miles on the straight run. The sailors were signalled with the blue flag, which told them that the start was to be from west to east, leaving the home buoy, stationed 300 feet out from the club house, to starboard buoy No. 2, located below George's barn, Wolfe Island, back to No. 1, leaving it to port, thence to buoy No. 3, at Four Mile point, leaving it to starboard, thence back to No. 1, leaving it to starboard.

The first class yachts were signalled to start at eleven o'clock and entries in this class were: Aggie, Marlatt and Armstrong, Royal Canadian yacht club; Canada, G.H. Gooderham, Royal Canadian yacht club; Merrythought, A.E. Jarvis, Royal Canadian yacht club; Vreda, A.G. Penchen, Royal Canadian yacht club; Zelma, R.A. Lucas, Royal Hamilton yacht club.

The yachts were well around the home buoy when the starting gun was fired, and they crossed the line in this order and time: Merrythought, 11:10; Aggie, 11:15; Canada, 11:25; Vreda, 11:40; Zeline, 11:50.

The white winged flyers stood off on the starboard tack, and after taking a few short legs towards Point Frederick headed for the buoy at George's barn with mainsail, jibs and topsails stretched. On this stretch the boats retained their starting positions, with the exception that the Canada had taken second place.

The thirty-two foot class boats were given their start at 11:10 o'clock and got away in this order: Nox, Miller Bros., Charlotte, 11.10.20; Norma, F. Strange, Kingston, 11.10.30; Erma, J. Billings jr., R.H.Y.C., 11.10.50. These yachts took the same course as the first-class-boats.

The twenty-two class sailed across the line on the start in these conditions:

h. m. s.

Widgeon, L. Kenny, Toronto, 11 20 05

Omega, Oswego, 11 20 20

Pedro, Perry and Miller, Charlotte, 11 20 30

Venus, C.E. Smith, Oswego, 11 20 35

The first class yachts rounded the second buoy with the Merrythought slightly in the lead, followed by the Canada, and the others close behind. The Merrythought set her spinaker for the run back to first buoy, straight with the wind. She, however, immediately hauled it in, and sailed some distance without it. The Canada's crew hoisted their spinaker, and the leading boat again hoisted hers, the other boats having rounded the buoy, following suit. The return run was quickly made, although the wind had dropped a little and the yachts with all possible canvas set, formed a pretty sight. The white winged flyers came up well bunched, and presented a sight seldom seen in a yacht race. It was anybody's race at this stage, which made the contest more interesting to the sailors and spectators. The Merrythought crossed the line as the noon gun boomed from Fort Henry, and dropping her spinaker, jibed and headed for Four Mile Point. The Canada followed in her tracks about one-half minute behind, and in rounding the buoy dropped her jibs and spinaker. She immediately raised her balloon jib and followed the leading yacht. The other three were full quarter of a mile behind and crossed the home buoy about together, the Vreda leading about two lengths, Aggie f ollowing, and Zelma close behind. Each yacht took in their spinakers and raised balloon jibs, and the Aggie passed the Vreda about one hundred yards from the buoy.

The time of rounding the home buoy was:

h. m. s.

Merrythought 11 59 40

Canada 12 1 05

Zelma 12 3 38

Vreda 12 3 39

Aggie 12 4 48

The run to Four Mile Point was run under a lighter wind, with which the Canada gained on the leading boat. The yachts sailed away with grace and ease, the three rear boats keeping pretty even. The Merrythought rounded the third buoy at 12:21:30 and the Canada 12:22:15. The run back to home buoy made no difference in the position of the yachts, the first round being finished as follows:

h. m. s.

Merrythought 12 49 25

Canada 12 50 28

Zelma 12 56 45

Vreda 12 57 20

Aggie 12 57 45

(continuing on page 6)

Although the Canada gained one-half minute on the run from home to the third buoy, the Merrythought gained thirty-three seconds on her on the first round trip. The Zelma gained quite a lead on the Aggie and Freda on the finishing leg of the first round and led well for third place. On rounding the home buoy the Vreda ran away to leeward to not clash with the Aggie, but on coming about she ran into the track of the Aggie, which keeping on the straight run forced the Vreda to fall away. This threw her out considerably.

All attention was given to the contest between the Merrythought and the Canada. It was a remarkable race between these two favorites, and it was a matter of close speculation as to which would get the race. The Merrythought, the heavier boat, apparently had a slight advantage in beating to windward, but the Canada picked up her loss when running before the wind. The other three in the class kept well together and made a catchy race, but on the second round they dropped back fully half a mile behind the first two leaders. On their second return from the Wolfe Island buoy the boats passed the home buoy:

h. m. s.

Merrythought 1 54 55

Canada 1 55 23

Zelma 2 04 10

Vreda 2 05 48

Aggie 2 07 28

This was the Merrythought's first race, and she did not disappoint her owner, Commodore Jarvis, of Toronto. If two minutes time is allowed the Canada the race is hers, and she gave her opponent a hot run. The homeward beat to windward was sailed under a light wind. Commodore Jarvis' yacht increased her lead, crossing the home line at 2:44:28, amid cheers from the spectators and tooting of whistles, fully one quarter of a mile ahead of the Canada. The latter crossed the line at 2:46:40, two and one-half minutes behind. The other three finished as follows:

h. m. s.

Zelma 2 58 53

Vreda 3 04 13

Aggie 3 06 55

Thirty-Two Footers.

The thirty-two foot class boats rounded the buoy at George's barn with the Nox leading, followed by Norma and the Erma. On the run back to buoy No. 1 the boats set their spinakers, and came up well together. The race was not very attractive, owing to the few boats entering, but the three were pretty evenly matched, and went around the course much in each other's company. The boats made their first cross over the line in this order:

h. m. s.

Nox 12 36 18

Erma 12 38 48

Norma 12 39 04

The stretch from home to buoy No. 3 included very little working, and the Norma gained a slight advantage. The boats sailed very closely together, and they were handled with great skill, no time being lost on the change of tacks. The first round was finished:

h. m. s.

Norma 1 46 40

Nox 1 46 42

Erma 1 47 10

Showing that the Norma had picked up the distance between her and the leader, but when crossing the line she was a short distance to windward.

On the second round the Norma reached the second buoy first and passed it at 2:42, the Erma almost immediately following, and the Nox nearly half a minute behind, and all headed for home with all canvas, and when the Whig went to press the yachts had just passed the club house and headed for the Four Mile Point on their last round.

Twenty-Two Foot Class.

The twenty-two class yachts got around the second buoy at 12:24 o'clock, the Pedro away in the lead. She fairly flew away from her competitors and increased her lead, making her first pass by the home at 12:55.55, the Venus second, 1.04.10; Widgeon, 1.06.43; Omega, 1.12.

The Pedro retained her lead and finished the first round, and race first, reaching the home buoy exactly at 2:05, making the full course in two hours and forty-five minutes. Venus took second place, and Widgeon third.

The finishing time of the Venus, the second winner, was at 2:12.15; the Widgeon, 2:19:38; Omega, 2:25:02.

Yachting Notes.

Commodore Grimshaw's despatch boat was on hand in case of need.

The Merrythought made the full race in three hours, thirty-four minutes, eighteen seconds.

The first class yachts sailed their race at the rate of ten miles an hour, while the wind blew hard.

The little Rochester twenty-two footer, Pedro, attracted some attention by her first sailing. She had an easy race.

The jockeying of the Vreda and the Aggie at the finish of the first round allowed the Zelma to gain some distance.

One of the Aggie's sailors fell overboard while rounding the home buoy, but was cleverly picked up before the yacht passed him.

The Gloria sailed in the twenty-two foot class, but failed to start from the buoy with the others and hence she was not entitled to a place.

Tomorrow the thirty-seven foot class, twenty-seven foot class and twenty knockabout classes sail, starting at the same hours as this morning's races.

The regatta committee for the day included F. Strange, Kingston; J.F. Monck and E.A. Fearnside, Hamilton, with Q.F. Phillips as official time keeper.

Among the spectators' yachts were the Papoose, owned by J.L. Mott, Oswego; the steamers Wherenow, Sophy, E.J.B. Pense's steamyacht and numerous small private yachts.

Time allowance is to be made in the first-class race, which will be determined at a meeting this evening. It is understood the Merrythought will have to allow the Canada about two minutes.

The general opinion before the race started was in favor of the Canada, with the Aggie a good second. It was rather a surprise party to most of the yachtsmen that the Merrythought led the winner of the international cup, as the prevalent belief was that the two Hamilton yachts would outsail her.

Toronto, July 22nd - The new regulation which provides for the sealing up of freight carried on American lake vessels to Canadian ports, simplifies the work of Canadian customs officials very much. The grain vessels and others carrying cargoes in bulk simply have their holds sealed up. Those carrying freight in packages in bond must also carry an American customs officer on board to prevent evasion of the war taxes by breaking bulk and shipping to Canada.



The schooner Acacia cleared for Oswego today.

The steamer Vision is at Portsmouth to receive repairs.

The steamer Rosemount is expected in port tomorrow.

The sloop Two Brothers is loading malt at Clark's malt house.

The tug Bronson arrived from Montreal today with five light barges.

The S.S. Bannockburn, from Fort William, will arrive in port tonight.

The schooner Echo from Deseronto is unloading bunchwood at the Grove Inn dock.

The steamer Glengarry and consort Minnedosa cleared for Fort William early this morning.

The schooner Fleetwing, light, cleared this morning for Charlotte to load coal for James Swift & Co.

The schooner Houghton, from Sandusky, is unloading 700 tons of soft coal at the penitentiary wharf.

The schooner Fabiola, coal-laden from Charlotte, arrived this morning at James Swift & Co.'s wharf.

The sloop Laura D. arrived at Richardsons' elevator last night with 2,500 bushels of peas from Wellington.

The steamer Whittaker, with 53,000 bushels of corn from Chicago, moored at the M.T. company's elevator last night.

Called at Swift & Co.'s wharf: steamer Corsican, Toronto to Montreal; steamer Algerian, Montreal to Toronto; steamer Arundell, Charlotte to Alexandria Bay.

The steamyacht Miltonia arrived in port last evening from Rideau canal ports, having a jolly party aboard. The yacht struck an obstruction in the water fronting the Grand Trunk freight shed and broke her rudder. Repairs were made this morning at Davis & Sons' dry dock.

Another Competing Line.

It will greatly interest Montrealers to learn that the Great Northern Transit company has arranged to run steamers from Toronto to the Thousand Islands, connecting with the American line to Montreal.

This will give another through competing line between Toronto and Montreal. The R. & O. have only the opposition of the Toronto and Montreal steamboat company, which operates the Persia and Ocean, and these do not come down the rapids.

The Great Northern Transit company runs steamers on the Georgian Bay. It is understood that the Cambria, formerly running on the north shore line, Lake Huron, is one of the steamers referred to.

Mr. Gildersleeve, general manager of the R. & O. N. company, said this morning that the Richelieu company would do nothing to combat this move on the part of the American line. "At any rate the American line cannot carry passengers between two Canadian ports. This would necessitate, I suppose, the landing of the Cambria's passengers on the United States side of the line, and their transfer there to the American line if they were coming on to Montreal."

[Montreal Herald]

p.3 To Evade The Lumber Law - Bay City, Mich., July 21st - The fleet of tugs engaged in towing Canadian logs to Michigan ports is putting in the busiest season for many years. Lumbermen are all anxious to get the timber over here before the Ontario rule forbidding the export of logs going into effect. The receipts at this port up to date are several million feet ahead of previous years.

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Date of Publication
22 Jul 1898
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Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
Rick Neilson
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Public Domain [more details]
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), 22 Jul 1898