British Whig (Kingston, ON), 25 Jul 1898
- Full Text
The Yacht Races Were Resumed Today.
They Have Another Go For First Place.
Another heavy southwest wind greeted the yachtsmen this morning and the third day's racing was conducted with eminent satisfaction. The yachts which sailed on Friday were called out today all in good order. The classes were the first class and thirty-two foot. The course was the same as sailed last week, the start being towards the Four Mile point buoy.
At eleven o'clock the first class yachts were signalled to start, but did not get away in very good order. The Merrythought, to avoid a collision with the Canada, had to come about and cross the starting line a second time which delayed her two minutes. The yachts got away in this order: Aggie, Zelma, Canada, Vreda and Merrythought. The yachts immediately came about and headed for Garden Island until they got a clean slant on the Four Mile point buoy. The Canada close-hauled took the lead in this stretch and reached the buoy at 11:29:45. The Merrythought followed one minute later, and the Zelma three minutes later. The Aggie and Vreda followed and in this order the flyers came down the lake in procession with spinnakers spread. No difference was made in their position on the run down which made a pretty procession.
The Canada reached the home buoy at 11:49:32; Merrythought, 11:50:40; Zelma, 11:51:47; Aggie, 11:55:50; Vreda, 11.54:10.
The yachts practically made two races in one. The race was a contest between the Canada and Merrythought, and between the Zelma, Aggie and Vreda, the latter three being some distance behind. The first round was finished as follows: Canada, 12:33:14; Merrythought, 12:35:40; Zelma, 12:36:33; Vreda, 12:39:23; Aggie, 12:40.
The Canada kept on the same stretch for some distance to the west, while the Merrythought and Zelma immediately came about on their port tack for the island shore. The Canada's sails were trimmed and she stood well up to the wind, and under the light wind sailed remarkably well. Her work under the control of Capt. W. Fisher was admired by the spectators, and somewhat surprised them. Each yacht had to make an additional leg to reach the southern buoy, and the Canada rounded at 1:04:05, and the Merrythought at 1:06. The spinnakers were set and a fast run made home before an increasing wind. The Canada kept her lead, crossing the home line at 1:25:25, and Merrythought at 1:26:11, forty-six seconds behind, showing she had gained some seconds on the Canada.
Thirty-two Class.
The start in the thirty-two class was just as confusing as the first class. The Erma swept over the line before the signal was given, and had to return. The start off was made in this order: Norma, 11:10:30; Nox, ten seconds later, and Erma thirty seconds behind the Norma. The yachts immediately followed the course of the large yachts, and sailed rapidly away.
The Nox gained the lead on the way up, and the Norma hoisted her gaff topsail, and kept close with her. The Erma on the beat to windward lost ground and fell some distance behind. The buoy was rounded by the Nox first at 11:53:50, Norma second, half a minute later. The Nox raised her spinnaker and the Norma her balloon jib and spinnaker, which refused to serve, and the Norma lost ground, while the Erma gained up on her. The half of the first round was finished by the Nox at 12:18:15; Norma, 12:19:35; Erma, 12:22:32. The wind gradually fell, which was an advantage to the Norma. She glided up on the Nox and passed her before George's barn was reached, rounding at 12:44, the Nox following her in a few seconds. The Erma picked up some of her lost distance. On the lead from the eastern buoy to home, the Norma increased her gain. On this stretch the Kingston cutter did good work and reached the home buoy at 1:13:25, the Nox 1:15:33, and the Erma at 1:18:37.
Twenty-Two-Foot Class.
An extra boat appeared in the twenty-two-foot class race today, the Gloria, owned by H.W. Newman. The start was made in this fashion: Widgeon, 11:20:15; Venus, 11:20:35; Gloria, 11:20:50; Omega, 11:20:58; Pedro, 11:21:02.
The Pedro cleverly run up to windward of the Omega and blanketing her left her standing still while the little red craft sailed due west for some distance, and coming about headed for Garden Island some distance to windward of the others. The Widgeon and Venus sailed under reefed mainsail.
In this race the Pedro showed her superior sailing qualities and left her competitors away in the rear. The Venus and Gloria made a hot race for second place and the Gloria made a remarkable good showing beside the new American boat. Half round was finished by Pedro at 12:33; Venus, 12:41:18; Gloria, 12:41:40; Widgeon, 12:46; Omega did not finish. The course to George's barn and back was a straight run and the boats did not change their positions, the Pedro alone increasing her lead.
Pedro won at 1:35:35, leading by half a mile; Venus, second, 1:47; Gloria, third, 1:49:10.
How The Yachts Stand.
At 2 p.m. the yachts stood thus:
First class, Canada ahead by a minute.
Thirty-two footers, Norma ahead by a long lead.
(cont'd page 6)
The schooner Eliza Fisher, from Charlotte, is unloading coal at the ferry wharf.
The tug James A. Walker arrived from Montreal yesterday with two light barges.
The steamer Caspian left this morning for Montreal, having a long passenger list.
The S.S. Bannockburn and consort Dunmore cleared for Fort William yesterday.
The schooner Acacia, with coal from Oswego, arrived at Crawford's wharf last night.
The S.S. Rosemount and consorts Selkirk and Winnipeg left port for the upper lakes yesterday.
The tug Jessie Hall cleared for Montreal Saturday evening with four barges grain-laden.
The steamer James Swift left this morning for Ottawa, carrying a heavy load of passengers and freight.
The steamer Topeka, with corn from Chicago to Kingston, reached Port Colborne on Saturday night.
The schooner Maggie L. arrived from Bay of Quinte ports yesterday with peas for J. Richardson & Sons.
The tug Active and barge McCarthy left the government dry-dock on Saturday after receiving general repairs.
Called at James Swift & Co.'s wharf: steamer North King, Charlotte; steamer Verona, Thousand Island park to Trenton; steamer Arundell, Alexandria Bay to Charlotte; steamer Cambria, Ogdensburg to Toronto.
Lively Yacht Race Between The Verona And Kestrel.
The finish of the twenty-seven foot class race on Saturday was unsatisfactory as the wind had died away before the leading yachts reached home. At the end of the first round the Kestrel led the Verona, of Hamilton, by one minute and seventeen seconds, and the Hiawatha was some minutes behind. Immediately on rounding the home buoy at the completion of the first round the Kestrel came about and headed for Garden Island, but the Verona remained on her starboard tack for some distance above the buoy before coming about. Both boats held that course until they were well on the other shore, and were able to take a good slant on the Four Mile point buoy. On the run up the Verona picked up a little, and rounded the next buoy just thirty-five seconds behind the leader. Spinnakers were set, but the wind was gradually falling, and the Hamilton cutter forged herself up with the Kestrel, but apparently could not get much of a lead. It was a pretty sight to see both yachts coming down before the wind with all canvas filled nicely. The Verona kept on the windward side. The yachts approached the home buoy, and another piece of manoeuvring brought loud cheers from the spectators. The Kestrel's horn was a few feet behind the Verona's and to leeward. H. Cunningham gave orders for the spinnaker to be taken in, which was quickly done. The Kestrel was then allowed to come up a point or two, and she shot ahead of the Verona, crossing the line one second ahead.
The local yachtsmen cheered loudly. While crossing the line, however, the Kestrel crowded the Verona pretty well, and to avoid a foul, she was forced to drop away, and this gave the Verona thirty or forty rods of a start. The crew of the Kestrel seemed slow in trimming their canvas, but after the loss of eight or ten seconds she was again after her rival. The wind freshened for a while and the two made a pretty quick run to George's barn, the Verona leading all the way and rounding that buoy thirty-five seconds ahead. She retained that lead until about one mile from home, when the yachts were becalmed, and they drifted about for nearly half an hour. The Verona fell into a current of wind, which she benefitted by for fully one minute before the Kestrel received the breeze. She shot ahead with the wind from the north and crossed the home line at 3:26:08, three minutes and thirty-two seconds ahead of the Kestrel. The Hiawatha finished at 3:37:45, and the Nautilus at 4:09:45. The Dolphin did not finish. It is acceded that the Verona is a faster boat than the Kestrel but the skilful work of Henry Cunningham kept her well to the front. The Hiawatha's crew were confident that she could outsail the Kestrel, but they were sadly disappointed.
The thirty-seven-foot class race was finished, the Vivia, Toronto, securing the race by two minutes and three seconds. The Vivia finished at 2:41:56 and the Dinah, Hamilton, at 2:43:59. It was a close finish for a run of over fourteen miles. The winner was sailed by Capt. W. Fisher, of the Canada.
The twenty-two foot knockabouts finished in this order: Veritas, Charlotte, 1:26:03; Chickadee, Kingston, 1:36:15; Euroclydon, Hamilton, 1:40:05.
Yachting Notes.
The visiting yachtsmen attended service in St. George's cathedral in a body yesterday morning, marching from the club house.
Very few yachts left their anchorage yesterday, the day being very calm.
A number of yachtsmen and lady friends who did not take in the searchlight excursion on Saturday night conducted a dance at the club house.
Tomorrow the Kestrel and the Verona will have another tussle for first place. Henry Cunningham thinks the latter is too fast for the Kingston boat.
A few of the yachtingmen were speculating Saturday as to the next style of yacht that will appear. A local expert predicts that a saucer-shaped yacht will be the next to be introduced.
Tonight the visitors will be entertained at a smoker at the club house.
Saturday evening the steamer America left the club house wharf with fully 400 yachtsmen and friends. She sailed down to Clayton, across towards Gananoque and up the Canadian channel home, using her powerful searchlight freely, which afforded the excursionists many fine landscape views at night time. During the sail the 14th P.W.O. rifles' band was on board and furnished music. Dancing was indulged in, and all had a merry time. Home was reached about one o'clock in the morning.
When the gale sprung up about twelve o'clock last night several yachts anchored outside sought shelter in the slips.
After twelve o'clock last night a few of the yachtsmen paraded the streets singing and blowing cornets and horns. They awakened many of the residents.
A number of the yachtsmen took a trip down the river on the steamyacht Sophy yesterday.
p.6 The Zelma crossed at 1:35:38; Vreda at 1:37:42 and Aggie 1:38:40. The run to the barn was uneventful. The Canada rounded, still maintaining a good lead. The two leading boats enlarged the space between them and their three followers. The Canada and Merrythought fairly flew home, both at the same angle, with the foam flying from both bows. The Merrythought's canvas seemed to flap considerably, but she worked hard to get up to windward. Her leader came steadily ahead and finished a pretty race. She crossed the finishing line at 2:11, three hundred yards ahead of the Merrythought which crossed 2:12:12. The two yachts made a remarkably pretty race, the finish being about the reverse of Friday's contest. The other three boats were about three-quarters of a mile behind. The Canada's lead, making time allowance, was two minutes and fifty-five seconds. The Zelma finished at 2:20:28; Vreda, 2:23:38; Aggie, 2:24:28.
The Aggie gets fourth place, as the Vreda must allow her 4:08 minutes.
The corrected elapsed time was: Canada, 3:07:10; Merrythought, 3:10:05; Zelma, 3:12:47; Aggie, 3:20:20; Vreda, 3:23:38.
Thirty-Two Footers.
The second round found the Norma still increasing her lead. The wind retained its usual velocity, and with a good lead the Norma rounded the southern buoy at 2:01:10, and the Nox at 2:03:10. The Erma was some minutes in the rear. The home buoy was passed by the Norma at 2:26:30, and by Nox at 2:28:29. When the Whig went to press the boats were heading for George's barn on their last round.
The Norma in the run from Four Mile point encountered a heavy gale, so strong in fact that she pulled down her gaff-top-sail and came down bravely under the breeze winning at 3:22:50. The Nox was a half mile behind. She came in at 3:28:12, Erma at 3:31:09
When the race in her class was nearly finished the Norma had the misfortune to foul the south-west buoy (Four Mile point). This will likely disqualify her, and if so Nox will win the race.
Yachting Notes.
The competition for the Walker cup was included in the thirty-two foot class race today.
A sailor fell off the Erma at the starting buoy today, but succeeded in catching hold of the boom before the yacht passed out of reach.
This morning the Verona took a cruise around the harbor with part of the Kestrel's crew on board, commodore Richardson, of the local club, W. VanTassel and others.
The times allowed in the first class is as follows: Vreda, scratch; she allows the Merrythought , 2 min., 5 sec.; the Canada, 3:50; Aggie, 4:08; Zelma, 7:41. By this the Merrythought has to allow the Canada 1:45.
In Saturday's race the Verona carried away her throat halyard block, which allowed the mainsail to fall to the deck. One of the crew had to go aloft to repair the break, which required fuly fifteen minutes. During this time the Kestrel took a long lead, and this explains her passing the line at the finish of the first round first. It is generally conceded that the Verona is the better boat. The crew of the Verona is the same crew that sailed the Kestrel last year, and include these gentlemen: J. Weir at the helm; H.J. Brigger, J. Evans; G.L. Forsythe, C. Brigger and W.T. Armour.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 25 Jul 1898
- Local identifier
- KN.16774
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
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- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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