Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), 17 Nov 1898

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The steamer Richelieu left today for Montreal to lay up for the season.

The scow Amelia arrived yesterday afternoon at Craig & Co.'s wharf to load coal for McKenty, Bath.

The steambarge Waterlily touched at Craig's wharf last night. She will make one more trip this season.

The steamer Persia arrived from Montreal last night, at Craig & Co.'s dock, her last appearance in Kingston this season.

The schooner Acacia, Oswego, coal laden, arrived in port this morning. Her cargo was consigned to R. Crawford & Co.

Capt. T.J. Craig left last night for Montreal on business in connection with the Richelieu & Ontario navigation company.

John Potts yesterday unloaded the schooner Falconer, at Crawford's wharf, in 15 hours. This is considered very fast work.

At the M.T. company's yard all the heavy anchor chains are being got in readiness for the laying up of the company's fleet.

The sloop Idlewild reached Craig's wharf last night with about 650 bushels of sand from the foot of Howe Island. The cargo is consigned to the locomotive works company.

The steamer Bannockburn was floated out of the government dry dock this morning, and with the schooner Minnedosa in tow cleared for Fort William to load wheat for this port.

Arrived at Richardson & Sons' elevator: sloop Minnie,1,200 bushels of wheat; sloop Echo, 2,500 bushels of wheat; schooner H.M. Ballou, 3,000 bushels of wheat, all from Bay of Quinte ports.

The barge "H.B.," owned by the Ogdensburg Coal & Towing company, broke away from the tug Charles Ferris on the lake and ran aground on Stony Point. The crew were taken off by the tug.

To Be Further Improved.

Yesterday the steamer Richelieu completed for the season her trips between the city and Cape Vincent. She had a very successful season and the company will again put her on the same route next year. She was taken today to Montreal to undergo repairs and improvements and when next she appears she will be like a new boat. A new electric light plant, searchlight, cabin fixtures, and other modern improvements will be added. Besides these her boilers and engines will be overhauled, so as to increase her speed. She was taken down to Montreal in charge of Capt. Staley, who sailed her during the past season.

The schooner Fabiola, now en route to Oswego to load coal, expects to continue her trips until the middle of December.

The steamer Bannockburn will make two more round trips before laying up for the season.

Media Type
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Date of Publication
17 Nov 1898
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Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
Rick Neilson
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Public Domain [more details]
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), 17 Nov 1898