Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), 26 Nov 1898

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The schooner Acacia, Oswego, is at Booth & Co.'s wharf with a cargo of coal.

Richardson & Sons' fleet of grain boats will continue in commission until stopped by ice.

The steamer Armenia has sought winter quarters at Garden Island after a prosperous season.

The schooner Queen of the Lakes has been stripped of her canvas and tackle and has gone into winter quarters.

So far those engaged in dragging for the lost tug Walker have been unable to locate her. A week has been spent in trying to find the tug.

Two more grain barges from the west are expected to arrive at Richardson & Sons' elevator next week. These will close the season for this firm, as far as the western trade is concerned. The steamers St. Andrew and Tilley are carrying the grain.

The work of hauling out the barges of the K. & M. forwarding company, on the marine ways at Portsmouth, has been begun. Today one barge was landed and the others that need repairs will be hauled out before the ice takes. A large force of men will be employed in making repairs.

Last night the steamer Glengarry arrived from the stranded barge Hector. She brought down the barge Maggie with 220 tons of coal aboard, taken from the Hector. Capt. Gaskin says he is confident of releasing the barge today if the weather continues fine. The Glengarry adn consort cleared again this morning for the stranded barge to continue work. The Hector is in good shape to release.

p.8 A Wrecked Vessel - Last evening word was received at Garden Island that the schooner Marianette, of Port Hope, lumber laden, was ashore on Charity shoal and flying a flag of distress. The Calvin wrecking company at once sent their tug Chieftain to her assistance, but she could not remain alongside owing to the very heavy seas running. The vessel is out about three feet. The steambarge Nichol has been engaged to lighten part of her cargo, and a tug will be despatched later, if required.

Media Type
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Date of Publication
26 Nov 1898
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Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
Rick Neilson
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Public Domain [more details]
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), 26 Nov 1898