Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, NY), Oct. 5, 1856

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Salmon River Harbor- We notice with pleasure, that the construction of the pier and opening of the harbour at the mouth of the Salmon River, on Lake Ontario have been commenced under the direction of Lieutenant Shankland, United States Engineer. The improvement of that harbour is highly important to the large district of country around, and to the navigation of the Lake generally, as it will make it one of the best harbors on the Lake.

About three miles east of the harbour is the beautiful village of Pulaski, located on the banks of the Salmon River, a stream affording some of the best water privileges there can be found in the State. The water is sufficient to propel machinery of any extent, at all seasons of the year, and by the natural canals, at almost every turn of the stream, may be taken out of the bed of the river and applied to machinery at a trifling expense. Pulaski must become a large manufacturing place, at no very distant day. IT is the nearest point through which a rail road from Utica can reach Lake Ontario, and the route is far more favorable than any other, beside being some 20 miles nearer. It is about half way between Syracuse and Watertown between which places a railroad must be constructed within a short time.

A charter is already obtained and surveys are being made for a rail road from Watertown to Utica which must pass directly through Pulaski. It would have rapidly advanced in manufactures long since had it not been for the blind policy and penurious propensity of the agent or son of the owner of a large portion of the village and water power. Judge Benjamin Wright, who refused to sell water privileges without an exorbitant price and thereby prevented the erection of a large cotton factory there sometime since which was afterwards located at Watertown. However, they have seen the error into which they had fallen, and a different and rather liberal policy has recently been adopted which will in addition to the improvement of the harbour give the place a new and valuable stimulus in her onward march to greatness.

We also notice, that an effort is making to build up a neat village at the mouth of the Salmon river and harbour, which must prove fruitless, as is has no advantage of water power, and from the marshes bordering on the lake, is unhealthy, while Pulaski is entirely the reverse, being one of the most healthy villages in the State.

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Date of Original
Oct. 5, 1856
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Richard Palmer
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, NY), Oct. 5, 1856