British Whig (Kingston, ON), 11 Jul 1913
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The steamers Cadillac, Regina and Tagona passed down on Thursday night.
The steamer Iroquois, discharging grain at Richardsons' elevator, cleared for the Welland canal.
The government steamer Alert passed down on Thursday on her way to Cornwall.
M.T. Co.'s elevator: The steamer Turret Cape cleared for Belleville; steamer Fordonian, grain-laden, from Fort William, is discharging grain and will clear tonight; steamer Ames cleared for Ashtabula to go on the dry-dock; tug Thomson from Montreal, light, cleared for Montreal with three grain barges; steamer Calgarian and Natironco are on the way from Fort William with grain.
The schooner Arthurs from Charlotte is unloading coal at the penitentiary wharf.
The steamer Majestic was late, on her up trip on Thursday, owing to a break in her wheel, which occurred in the Morrisburg canal. The Majestic arrived at the Shipbuilding company wharves in the evening, repairs were made, and she cleared west during Friday morning.
The steamer Kingston was down to Prescott and cleared again for Charlotte, N.Y., on Friday.
The steamer Caspian was down and up on Friday.
The steamer Ottawa passed up during Thursday night.
The steamer Simcoe is in port for a few days waiting for supplies. She is engaged in the government service on the lakes.
The steamer Rideau King was due down from Ottawa Friday evening.
The steamer Britannia was due from river points on Friday afternoon.
The Annual Fines.
The R. & O. Navigation Co. is to make its annual visit to the Toronto police court for selling liquor on the boats without a license. Seven boats are involved. Hitherto it has been the custom to fine each boat $200 for the unlicensed privilege.
To the Scene of Accident Near Gananoque.
The steamer Saginaw, of the Donnelly wrecking company, left on Friday morning for the scene of the accident near Grindstone Island, where seven men were injured by an explosion of dynamite, when lightning struck the government drill scow.
The Saginaw will pick up the machinery which was blown from the boat, when the explosion occurred, and will bring the scow and outfit to Kingston for repairs.
The latest report from the scene states that there were seven men injured in the accident. The report sent out on Thursday was to the effect that there were six hurt.
The direct cause of the accident was the premature discharge of a number of holes which had been drilled and filled with dynamite.
The drill scow was at work in the middle channel, near Thurso, N.Y., about three miles opposite Gananoque. The scow is anchored near the spot where the work has been carried on, and was held fast by long wooden drops, heavily weighted and let down at four corners. Numerous holes had been drilled and filled with dynamite ready for discharging but when the storm broke the men sought the shelter of the scow.
Old Schooner Hoboken Sinks At Her Wharf at Ogdensburg.
News comes from Ogdensburg, of the sinking of the old schooner Hoboken, now owned by the Ogdensburg Coal and Towing company, on Tuesday. She was at the wharf when she gradually settled to the bottom and rats and bedbugs made their escape. For the past three years she has been out of commission, practically.
Time was when the Hoboken was one of the crack canal schooners of the Oswego fleet. She was built near Clayton in 1868 for a Detroit firm, but later came to Oswego and was owned for years by the late Captain Thomas Martin. Prior to that Captain C.W. Parker was interested in the schooner, which in the days of eighteen cent wheat from Chicago to Oswego was a regular mint. Like all the other schooners built at Clayton the Hoboken was a staunch craft. She was 139 feet long and 26 feet wide and was registered at 299 gross tons. In the days of her triumphs she was handsomely fitted, the cabin being a particularly fine piece of work. The Hoboken is said to be the last of the old canal fleet famous the world over and all notifying the world that they hailed from Oswego, N.Y. [Oswego Palladium]
p.8 Are Still Grappling - for two drowning victims; Diver John Quirt is dock foreman at Kingston Shipbuilding Co.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 11 Jul 1913
- Local identifier
- KN.18206d
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
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- Rick Neilson
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