British Whig (Kingston, ON), 26 Jul 1913
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p.1 Will Condemn Plan For Long Sault Dam -
Kingston mariners will be pleased to learn that at last steps are to be taken to dredge the harbor at Ogdensburg. United States Engineer John C. Churchill says that everything is now in readiness to commence work on the $34,000 contract which will enlarge the ? harbor about 900 feet. All that is necessary is the approval of the contract by the chief of the engineer corps at Washington, D.C. The Duluth Marine Contracting company of Duluth has the contract and it calls for the dredging or excavating of 345,000 cubic yards.
By this extensive excavation a bar that has been forming in the Ogdensburg harbor for years will be removed. The bar covers a territory of about 800 to 1,000 feet. The present depth of the harbor at the bar is: least depth 8 feet, greatest depth 12 feet. By the removal of the 315,000 cubic yards it will be turned into an excellent harbor with a depth of twenty feet at low water.
Movement of Vessels.
The new steamer W.H. Dwyer for the Forwarders Limited has arrived in this country from England where she was built. She will take a cargo from Montreal to Gaspe before coming up to Kingston when she will be put into commission on the great lakes and river.
The steamer Toiler passed up on Friday afternoon.
The steamer City of Hamilton went east on Saturday morning.
The steamer Rideau Queen cleared for Ottawa on Saturday morning.
The steamers Toronto and North King were down and up on Saturday.
The steamer Donnacona passed up on Friday afternoon.
The steambarge Waterlily was at the R. & O. wharf Friday night from Montreal and discharged freight.
The steamer Alexandria, from Montreal, called at the R. & O. wharf Friday night.
The steamer Congercoal was in port, and cleared for Ogdensburg to go on dry dock.
The government tug Lambton was in port on Friday evening.
The steamers Renvoile and Hamilton passed down.
The tug of the Montreal Transportation company is in Davis' dry dock.
The tug Gilbert in dry dock here for a few days, has cleared for the cement works at Belleville.
The schooner Julia B. Merrill, loading feldspar, will clear for Charlotte tonight.
M.T. Co.'s elevator: tug Bartlett is due to arrive tonight with the barges Dunmore and Kingston, coal-laden, from Oswego; steamer Turret Cape, grain-laden, from Fort William, is due to arrive here Monday to discharge a cargo of wheat and flax seed; steamer Fairmount from Fort William is discharging a full cargo of flax seed and wheat, will clear for Oswego to load coal for Fort William; steamer Advance will pass down on Saturday night with grain from Port Colborne for Montreal.
The steamer Rob Roy and barge arrived from Charlotte with coal for the C.P.R. wharf.
There are a couple of shoals in the harbor which should be removed, and the suggestion has been made that these be given some attention while dredging is going on for the erection of the new causeway. Marine men are hoping that these shoals and other obstacles, such as stumps and sunken boats, will be removed.
Another great need is that of more wharfage. A wharf will be constructed on the Rideau side of the new causeway, which will run the entire length of it.
But Kingston will have to secure larger and more wharves if it ever hopes to handle the freight which in a few years is expected to make wonderful strides. With a few improvements Kingston would have one of the best harbors on the great lakes.
Won By Charmian - Kingston Yacht Club motor boat championship race held.
p.7 Incidents of the Day - The steamer Phelps and schooner Parsons cleared on Saturday for Oswego.
The tug Umbria, owned by Fallon Bros., will leave this evening for Cornwall to bring some apparatus to be used by the new causeway being erected across the Cataraqui river. A number of temporary houses will be erected on Barriefield commons for the workmen.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 26 Jul 1913
- Local identifier
- KN.18208e
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
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- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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