Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), 23 Aug 1913

Full Text

p.1 Stormount Released - Word was received in the city on Saturday, that the steamer Stormount, of the Montreal Transportation company, which went aground at the end of Lake Lachine, had been released and was now discharging her cargo of grain at the elevator at Montreal. Her cargo was lightered and the vessel was pulled off in a couple of tugs. The steamer was aground for over 24 hours. The Stormount did not suffer any great damage.

"Port Weller" Chosen - as name for new townsite at Lake Ontario entrance of the new Welland Canal; named after J.L. Weller, chief engineer in charge of the canal, who has done all the planning.

Fell Off Wharf in Dark & Met His Death - while helping to load cattle on a scow owned by Capt. Pyke, for Cape Vincent; there were no lights on the wharf.

p.2 Saw A Sea Serpent - playing in water at head of Wolfe Island, seen by Capt. Palmateer, Capt. J. Crawford and the purser of steamer America, 15'-20' long.

Incidents of the Day - The steamer Advance, grain laden, from Port Colborne, passed down Saturday noon, on her way to Montreal.

Captain William Walton launched a new barge at Westport on Wednesday. The barge is 112 feet long, 24 feet beam and 8 feet hold.



Several coal schooners held up by the heavy wind storm the past two days, arrived in port on Saturday.

The schooners Horace Taber and St. Louis, from Charlotte, are discharging coal at the Montreal Transportation company's wharf.

The schooner Katie Eccles, coal-laden from Charlotte, is discharging at Fisher's Brewery.

The steamers Toronto and North King passed down and up on Saturday.

The steamer Rideau Queen cleared for Ottawa on Saturday morning, and the Rideau King is due down this afternoon.

The steamer City of Hamilton went east on Saturday.

The steamer Belleville is due up Saturday night.

M.T. Co.'s elevator: tug Clyde (sic) from Prescott, light, cleared with two grain barges for Montreal; tug Bartlett cleared for Port Colborne with barge Winnipeg and will return to Kingston with the barges Ungava and Augustus, grain-laden, from Port Dalhousie.

p.6 Will Use Canadian Vessel - U.S. President Woodrow Wilson will take a trip up the Great Lakes on the Richelieu & Ontario company's lake steamer Rochester during the Hundred Years' Peace Celebration.

Media Type
Item Type
Date of Publication
23 Aug 1913
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Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
Rick Neilson
Creative Commons licence
Public Domain [more details]
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), 23 Aug 1913