British Whig (Kingston, ON), 29 Aug 1913
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The Forwarders Limited elevator at the foot of Gore street is being put into first-class repair and will be ready for the fall wheat, which will soon commence to move this way. For the past two weeks different repairs have been made to the belts for conveying the wheat to the bins. The machinery has also been overhauled, and changes made that will enable the lifting capacity of the elevator to be increased and less delay caused in unloading boats. There is expected to be a large shipment of grain to this point during the autumn months and this elevator is being put into shape to relieve the other elevators, which will be overtaxed when the grain commences to move.
The steamer Geronia, on Friday, came down from Charlotte, N.Y. and Bay of Quinte points and was taken off the run. The steamer North King, which has been lying near Folger's wharf since the early part of the week, was put back again, and will with the steamer Caspian, finish the season on the lake, bay and river run. The steamer Geronia is here and will be laid up for the winter in this port.
As far as the season of 1913 is concerned, the Geronia is a failure. It will be remembered she was built at the Collingwood yards for the Hepburn company of Picton, a couple of years ago, to run the same route the steamer Alexandria has navigated for years. She is fitted up splendidly, and cost upwards of $250,000. But, it is understood, that difficulty is experienced in getting up the steam necessary to attain her speed, about eighteen miles an hour. Auxiliary boilers were put in her this spring at the Kingston Shipbuilding yards, but, it appears that they have not remedied the trouble. She made one trip to Toronto some weeks ago, and returned to Picton, where she lay until this week she was put on the North King's run, to give her a try out. It is said on it she did not attain a speed of over ten or twelve miles an hour.
The Geronia, with the other vessels of the Hepburn fleet, which were managd this season by the Norcross company of Toronto, were absorbed by the Richelieu and Ontario Company, with the Toronto concern's interests, a few weeks ago. It is likely that the R. & O. will put the Geronia into shape this winter, and operate her next season on one of its lines.
Movement of Vessels.
The steamer Glen Davis passed down on Friday morning.
The steamer Jeska arrived from Oswego with coal for R. Crawford.
The steamer Phelps from Charlotte is unloading coal at Garden Island.
M.T. Co.'s elevator: tug Emerson from North Fairhaven, with the barge Cornwall, loaded with coal for the penitentiary; tug Bartlett from Port Dalhousie, with the barge Winnipeg, grain-laden; tug Thomson from Montreal, three light barges; tug Bartlett cleared with the barge Hamilton, to load grain at Port Colborne; tug Thomson cleared for Montreal with three grain barges.
The steamer Alexandria was not in on Friday. She missed a trip owing to repairs.
The steamer Thousand Islander took a large number from here to Ogdensburg, N.Y., on Friday morning, in spite of the threatening weather.
The steamer Simla passed up on Friday for Lake Erie light from Montreal.
The steamer Beaverton, of the Merchants' Mutual lines, is at the Kingston Shipbuilding wharves and will follow the steamer Rosemount into the dock for repairs. The Rosemount will likely be floated Friday night.
The steamer Toronto was down and up on Friday.
The steamer Olcott was at Swift's on Friday afternoon on her last regular trip of the season from Oswego, N.Y.
The steamer Britannic was up from Montreal on Friday afternoon.
The Drill boat Mons Meg, which has been in Davis' Drydock for the past three weeks, undergoing extensive repairs, is figured upon leaving the dock by Sept. 10th. The boat is owned by Weddell and company of Trenton, and the extent of the repairs will amount close unto four thousand dollars. During the three weeks which it has been there, a gang of between thirty and thirty-five men have been kept busy. The boat was in a pretty bad shape when it entered the dock, as the concussion of the water during blasting is very severe, with the result that the caulking was pulled out and the boat weakened generally. A big job has been made of the boat, by putting in new keelsons and planking, which will considerably strengthen it. Other boats are waiting for the dock and it is hoped that the Mons (article ends here - missing)
R. & O. Winter Quarters.
It has been said down the river that there is a prospect of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation company wintering all its river steamers at Ogdensburg, N.Y., this year. The expectation in Kingston is, on good grounds, that there will be more of the steamers winter here this coming season than last, and any that might be taken away, there will be larger ones to take their place. It is reported that the steamers Kingston and Toronto will be two of these. Kingston's harbor is looked upon as an ideal winter location. The only difficulty is in finding the room.
p.5 Will Succeed Ald. Bennett - Henry W. Pound, of 35 Rideau Street, has been appointed foreman at the grain elevator of the Montreal Transportation company, to take the place of Ald. Edward Bennett, who has been appointed superintendent of the new grain elevator at Fort William.
Mr. Pound has been employed by the Montreal Transportation company for a great many years, for some years past officiating as weighman. His many friends are glad to learn of his having secured the position. Ald. Bennett is leaving early next month, to take up his new duties.
Henry Youngs, a sailor, failed to sustain his claim for $17 wages against Capt. McIntyre, of the steamer Hamiltonian, in chambers on Friday morning. Judge Price dismissed the case, it having been brought out in the evidence that Youngs had not lived up to the agreement which he signed with the master of the steamer when he shipped in Kingston. The engagement was for the season, but the claimant could terminate it at any time by giving the captain four days' notice. He quit yesterday and failed to give the necessary notice, thus losing his case.
Youngs made one trip to Lake Superior with the Hamiltonian, and was given two weeks' wages at Port Arthur. G.H. Smythe appeared on behalf of Capt. McIntyre, while W.B. Mudie represented the sailor.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 29 Aug 1913
- Local identifier
- KN.18213d
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
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- Rick Neilson
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