British Whig (Kingston, ON), 28 Oct 1913
- Full Text
p.2 Tuesday Morning's Storm - The steamer America, which makes her daily Bay of Quinte-Kingston trips, has experienced a good deal of rough weather this fall. On Tuesday morning there was a heavy sea in the gaps. However, the America has not missed any trips on account of storms.
The schooner Arthur arrived in port on Tuesday morning. She anchored for a short time in the harbor and then tied up at Swift's wharf.
The steambarge Aberdeen was released from her grounding in the St. Lawrence river, near Cross Over Light, on Monday afternoon, by the wrecking outfit of the Donnelly company. She was undamaged and proceeded under her own steam to Picton.
On the night last week, when the Aberdeen ran aground, the private light on Round Island was mistaken for the Sister Island light, and the steambarge went hard on in the darkness and light fog. She had rounded the Cross Over Light, and was working up the channel. It is understood that a complaint will be made regarding this light on Round Island.
The steamers Donnelly and Saginaw, of the Donnelly company, returned to the city, and on Tuesday morning the Saginaw and Eleanor were to clear up the lake to the barge Ceylon, of the M.T. Co., which is lying in about eleven feet of water about five miles this side of Long Point.
On Monday night the steamer Donnacona loaded canned goods at Swift's wharf for Fort William.
The government steamer Scout was in port on Tuesday, having arrived from the Bay of Quinte. After the storm subsided she expected to proceed down the river.
M.T. Co.'s elevator: The steamers Canadian, Fisher, Kinmount, Rosemount, discharged their grain cargoes, and cleared for the west; tug Bronson cleared for Montreal with three grain barges; tug Emerson cleared for Montreal with two grain barges; steamer Acadian, grain-laden from Fort William, is due to arrive tomorrow; tug Emerson is due from Montreal, light, Wednesday morning, and will clear for Montreal with four grain barges.
The steamers Calgary and Glen Mavis passed down on Tuesday morning.
The schooner Merrill arrived from Oswego Tuesday morning with coal for Anglin's wharf.
p.8 Leased Two Elevators - A despatch from Fort William says: This morning James Richardson & Co., of Kingston, took over elevators A. and C. from the C.P.R. on the rental basis. At present there is in store a million and a half bushels of grain. The rental figures were kept secret but are very high.
Wolfe Island Mariner Dead
Wolfe Island, Oct. 27th - The funeral of the late Captain Wells Bamford took place Saturday morning, from his late residence to the Methodist church, St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, where service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Stewart. His remains were laid in the church cemetery, both being on the farm. Deceased being a very charitable man gave the land for the cemetery, also for the church, and a goodly sum to help build the edifice. His charitable character was marked in many other ways. He was always ready to help those in need. His home was always open to strangers, who by chance must have a meal, or a night's lodging. No one ever left his home hungry. A welcome was extended to everyone.
Capt. Bamford was born in New York state seventy-nine years ago, and lived there many years. When thirty years of age he became a captain and followed this occupation until a few years ago, when he retired, and lived a quiet life in one of his farm houses, "The Pines," so prettily situated on the south shore of the island. He was well-known as an old-time mariner. He sailed the old schooner Reindeer and braved many stormy voyages, without any accidents, being a careful, skilled mariner. Later he sailed on upper lake steamers.
During his last few weeks of illness, and till the very last, he was tenderly cared for by his daughter, Mrs. C. Halliday, and since the beginning of his illness every wish was gratified by his son, "Voltie," with whom he and his aged wife lived.
He leaves his widow and five children: Mrs. C. Halliday, Dexter, N.Y.; Mrs. Gaskin, of Kingston; Wells and John of Watertown, N.Y.; and "Voltie", at home.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 28 Oct 1913
- Local identifier
- KN.18222a
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
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- Rick Neilson
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