Daily News (Kingston, ON), 3 Jul 1885
- Full Text
p.2 The Forwarding Companies - editorial - the Hamilton Spectator is hostile to Kingston forwarding companies.
p.4 The Canal Tolls - Sir John's views.
Floating Facts - The schr. Elgin received her new foremast today.
-The schr. White Oak is discharging 390 tons of coal for the gas house.
-The steambarge Indian and consorts cleared for Cheboygan today.
-The schrs. Annandale and J.S. Worts are at Brockville with coal.
-Two barge loads of lumber are on their way to Oswego from Brockville.
-The schr. Mary Battle has been libelled at Detroit on a salvage claim of $165.45.
-Capt. Hugh McEachran, of the prop. Havana, died at Cleveland on Tuesday.
-The steamer Passport, Toronto; prop. Cuba, Chicago; and steamer Corinthian, Montreal, called at Swift's wharf today.
-The steambarge Albion, with consorts Ark and Annier, have arrived at Collinsby from Spanish River, Georgian Bay, with timber.
-John Donnelly, jr., is at work on the sunken barge Wheatbin at Montreal. A second steam pump was shipped to him this morning.
-The steamer Cuba lightened 5,000 bushels of corn at the M.T. Company this morning and proceeded to Montreal. She came from Chicago.
-The Kingston & Montreal Forwarding Co., for want of business, have been forced to lay up their barges. At present freight rates there is no demand, and there is in store all the grain that the regular lines can carry for a month. The coal trade of the company is just as demoralized. Of the twenty-two barges owned by the line, only six are employed in the coal trade, and they were chartered for the season, while ten have never been in commission, and the running six are now being laid up.
-ads for Hanlon Rowing Race at Clayton on July 4th, excursions by steamers Princess Louise and Hero.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 3 Jul 1885
- Local identifier
- KN.26453
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
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- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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