Daily News (Kingston, ON), 10 Jul 1885
- Full Text
p.1 Floating Facts - The schrs. W.R. Taylor and Wawanosh are at Collinsby with timber.
-The schr. Manzanilla received new main and mizzen masts before proceeding up the lake.
-The schooners Oriental and Augusta, from Detroit, are unloading timber at Garden Island.
-The schr. Julia has arrived from Charlotte with 240 tons of coal for Captain Crawford.
-The barge McCarthy was launched from the M.T. Company's ways this morning, after being thoroughly overhauled.
-The steamer Corinthian, Toronto; prop. Lake Ontario, Hamilton; and steamer Passport, Montreal, called at Swift's.
-The Laura D. arrived with sand yesterday from Stone Mills, and the sloop Idlewild arrived with a similar cargo from Howe Island.
-The schr. B.W. Folger left last night for Oswego with 14,000 feet of lumber. She will return with a cargo of coal for the gas house.
-The tug Mixer has arrived with two barges laden with lumber for Gilmour & Co's new yard. She has cleared again for Trenton.
-The steamer California has lightened 6,000 bushels of wheat at K. & M. Forwarding Company this morning, and proceeded to Montreal.
-The Gleniffer, Benson and Oriental are at Garden Island with timber, and the Manzanilla and Augusta have left that place for the canal light.
-Mr. John Quartz has shipped as second mate on the schooner Manzanilla which is at Garden Island discharging a cargo of timber. She will clear for Toledo.
-The steamer Armenia called here this morning on her way to Ogdensburg from Toronto. It is probable she will be put on a route down the river. She is owned by the Rathbun Company.
-Thomas Williamson, second mate on the schooner Manzanilla, while assisting to unload that vessel was struck on the head by the dog which swung unnoticed, and knocked insensible.
-The tug Thompson arrived from Montreal this morning with four light barges. She left again for Port Hope to tow six drams of timber from that place to Collinsby for Mr. W. Lesslie.
-The tug Bronson arrived from Montreal last night with the barge Wheatbin. She had on board about 11,000 bushels of damaged peas and two steam pumps. The cargo was afterwards discharged down the river.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 10 Jul 1885
- Local identifier
- KN.26458
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
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- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great LakesEmail:walter@maritimehistoryofthegreatlakes.ca