Daily News (Kingston, ON), 24 Aug 1885
- Full Text
p.1 Floating Facts - The schr. Westside has arrived at the M.T. Company with 20,000 bushels of wheat from Chicago.
-The schr. Belle Mitchell has left Grindstone Island for Chicago with paving stone. This is her seventh load this season.
-The schr. Grantham, lying at the iron ore dock, will look a much finer boat when Capt. Simmonds, her master, gets through painting her.
-The schr. Melbourne, 36,000 bushels of wheat for Ogdensburg; prop. Armenia, 22,000 bushels of wheat and sundries, Montreal, cleared from Chicago on Saturday.
-The tug Jessie Hall arrived yesterday from Oswego with the schr. Gaskin, laden with 500 gross tons of coal for the M.T. Company's use, and the barge Acadia, light.
-The tug Thompson left for Montreal on Saturday with eight barges - five laden with 100,000 bushels of grain and three with coal. She returned with six light barges.
Port Dalhousie, Aug. 22nd - Passed Down: Str. Monteagle and barge,Chicago, Ogdensburg; schrs. Westside, Chicago, Kingston; and F.J. Manistee, Kingston, lumber.
Port Colborne, Aug. 22nd - Passed down: schr. W.I. Preston, Chicago, Kingston; steambarge Albion and consort, French River, Kingston.
-The demand for vessels was greatly improved at Chicago on Thursday, as it exceeded the immediate supplies of tonnage. The Lake Ontario rate was 3 1/2 cents per bushel. The following charters were made to Ogdensburg: Prop. Macy, 32,000 bushels wheat; sch. Ispheming, 26,000 bushels wheat; schr. John Burt, 30,000 wheat. The prop. Wm. Averill was chartered to carry 55,000 bushels of wheat to Kingston. On Friday freights were not very active, although the demand for tonnage was fair. Vessel agents are more hopeful for the immediate future than they have been for some time. They believe that freights will open higher and stronger this week, and that shipments of wheat and corn will be a great deal more active than they have been for a long time past. The receipts of corn have been good, while the future receipts will undoubtedly be larger. An agent, who has made a careful study of the market, said to an Inter-Ocean reporter on Saturday that he believed that freights would be higher this week than they have been before this season. The schrs. Lem Ellsworth and Itasca were chartered to bring corn to Kingston. The former's cargo will consist of 20,000 bushels, and the latter's, 24,000.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 24 Aug 1885
- Local identifier
- KN.22388
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.22976 Longitude: -76.48098
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
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