p.3 Omitted - We omitted to state yesterday that the castings for the new tug noticed in yesterday's News were made by Messrs. Chown & Cunningham. Steamers - new schedule for ferry steamers. Accident
p.3 Omitted - We omitted to state yesterday that the castings for …
p.2 Customs Imports p.3 Marine News - New Route - It is contemplated to place a new steamer, which has been in course of construction at Long Point for some time past, on the route between Black Cree
p.2 Customs Imports p.3 Marine News - New Route - It is …
p.2 ad - Excursion To Rochester - on steamer Hastings p.3 New Steamer - Capt. Davis, of Wolfe Island, is now at work on a steamer intended for trading, built to the order of Mr. Thos. Pike, of Wolfe
p.2 ad - Excursion To Rochester - on steamer Hastings p.3 New …
p.2 Toronto - yacht club plans Customs Imports p.3 Career of the Yacht Countess of Dufferin [Montreal Star] Marine News Short Notes - The steamer Shannon arrived in Kingston yesterday, to run the Rid
p.2 Toronto - yacht club plans Customs Imports p.3 Career of the …
p.2 Fire At Oswego - ....in the Empire mills, situated on the east side of the river between Cayuga and Bridge streets. Adjoining it on either side were the Lake Ontario and Reciprocity mills, all of
p.2 Fire At Oswego - ....in the Empire mills, situated on the …
p.2 letter to editor on Steamboat Racing. p.3 The Geneva - The Yacht Race - The Canal Route Short Notes - yacht race at Belleville. Nearly A Fire - on str. Watertown. Through The Canal Incorporated -
p.2 letter to editor on Steamboat Racing. p.3 The Geneva - The …