Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), March 31, 1826
- Full Text
p.3 Advertisement - The Subscriber intending to retire from the Forwarding Business at La Chine, and to live on his farm at Lusse, begs leave to inform his friends in Upper Canada, and the Public in general, (whom he thanks for past favors,) that he has sold his establishment of Durham Boats, Batteaux, etc. to Mr. James McCutchon, who, in connection with Mr. Curtis E. Crossman, will continue the business.
He also offers for sale, his very fine Farm at LaChine, with several good Dwelling Houses, and a large Forwarding Store upon it, and in the meantime until a purchaser offers, he will let the same to any farmer who will buy the Stock of Cattle, and Farming Implement at a fair valuation.
S. Finchly
La Chine, 21st March, 1826.
Referring to the above Advertisement the undersigned beg leave to acquaint their friends and the Public, that the Forwarding Business will be carried on here and at La Chine under the firm of M'Cutchon & Crossman.
James M'Cutchon.
Curtis E. Crossman.
Kingston, March 27, 1826.
The Weather - Lake was clear of ice on Sunday, but Tuesday an immense field of ice from the head of the Bay filled it back in.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- March 31, 1826
- Local identifier
- KN.725
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great