Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), Sept. 22, 1826
- Full Text
p.2 The Arbitration - between Welland Canal and owners of land needed; gives list of awards to claimants. [Farmer's Journal, Sept 6th]
The Steam Boats Dalhousie and Niagara - In our last number we mentioned the unfortunate circumstances of these two vessels having came in contact on the evening of the 14th inst. within six miles of Prescott - on which occasion the Dalhousie was very materially damaged, and the Niagara also received some injury. We are now requested by the parties concerned, to insert the following documents given under the hands of passengers who were on board the respective boats at the time the accident took place.
Sir. - Being a passenger on board the Steam Boat Niagara, last evening, when the Dalhousie and she unfortunately came in contact together, in justification of Capt. Mosier, I am induced, through the medium of your paper, to make the following statement of the occurrence, as far as came under my particular observation, that the public may have a just and impartial account of the affair.
Captain Mosier and myself had been walking on the round house for half an hour, when he observed he would have to go forward. On his leaving the deck, I heard the man at the wheel tell him, in a low voice, there was a vessel on our larboard bow (that was on the south of us) immediately looking in that direction I discovered her, and she was, I should imagine, half a mile distant. It was my impression that we should have passed each other about 15 rods apart; but on the vessels approaching, to my great astonishment, the Dalhousie turned across our bow, towards the north shore, and the contact was then inevitable on the part of the Niagara, as far as my judgement goes.
Such of the passengers and others on board who did not witness the striking of the vessels, had, with myself, an opportunity of observing the position of the boats, while lying entangled and fast together, the Niagara's head up the river, a little inclined to the northward, and the Dalhousie across her bow, with her head to the north shore, a little easterly.
After the boats got clear, the Niagara towed her to Prescott, and left her in safety at Mr. Jones' wharf. Her starboard wheel and house are carried away, but the extent of damage I did not ascertain when we left her. The Niagara's cut water was injured, and iron anchor stock broken, and otherwise damaged in the bows.
I remain, Sir,
Your Most obedient servant,
Martin Herrick
Kingston, 15th Sept., 1826.
District of Johnston - Avrey Story, of the township of Murray, Province of Upper Canada, gentleman, & William H. Walbridge of Bellville, Province of Upper Canada, gentleman, personally appeared before me, Alpheus Jones, Esq. and deposeth, that on the 14th day of September, instant, at about the hour of nine of the clock, P.M. they were on board of the Steam Boat Dalhousie, on their passage from Kingston to Prescott, when, between Maitland & the windmill, they were run foul of by the Steam Boat Niagara, Capt. Mosier, by which means the said steam boat Dalhousie was very materially damaged; and these deponents further say, that at the time the said Dalhousie was steering her course directly down the river, rather inclining to the Canadian shore, that when nearly abreast or opposite the Dalhousie, one of the deponents, Avery Story, called out to the Niagara to sheer off or keep off; the Niagara was then six or eight rods off, steering a W.N.W. course, that she then inclined more to the N. instead of sheering off to the S.W. that the moon shone very clear at the time: and these deponents further say, that the crew of the Dalhousie were duly sober, and attending to their duty, and that no possible blame in their opinion are to be attached to the Dalhousie, as it was apparently unavoidable on her part and these deponents further say, that the accident must in their opinion be owing to gross mismanagement on the part of the Niagara.
Signed- Avrey Story,
Wm. H. Walbridge.
Sworn before me at Prescott, this 14th day of September, 1826.
Signed, A. Jones, J.P.
-ad for Bennet & Henderson, engineers and millwrights, who have commenced business... Montreal, 11th Sept., 1826.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sept. 22, 1826
- Local identifier
- KN.750
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great