Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), Aug. 16, 1828
- Full Text
Steam Boat Rencounter.
On Saturday last the Steam Boat Dalhousie, Captain McDonell, in order to oblige a number of the inhabitants of Kingston, made a trip to Bath. About 7 o'clock in the evening, the Dalhousie left Mr. Ham's wharf and steered for Kingston. A few minutes afterwards, the Toronto, Captain Sinclair, got under way from a wharf a short distance to leeward of the Dalhousie, and proceeded toward Kingston also. When opposite to a point of land below Bath, the Toronto came within hail of the Dalhousie, and Capt. McDonell, perceiving that danger was at hand, requested Captain Sinclair to stop his engine. This request, however, was disregarded, and the next minute the stem of the Toronto struck the Dalhousie on her larboard quarter, carrying away the stanchions, railing, etc. The Toronto then shot ahead, and the two boats became wedged together, in which situation they ran more than half a mile. Here again Captain McDonell entreated Captain Sinclair to stop his engine, and he would do the same, in order that the boats might separate without doing further injury to each other; but all to no purpose - the Capt. of the Toronto continued obstinate and unyielding. At length, Capt. McDonell, fearing that serious consequences might ensue, stopped the Dalhousie's engine, and allowed the Toronto to escape.
The foregoing is a plain relation of the facts as they occurred under our immediate observation, and in the presence of twenty or thirty other passengers. We abstain from comment, as the affair will probably hereafter become the subject of legal investigation. [Herald]
Rideau Canal - list of expenses for different sections.
Executive Council Office,
York, 7th August, 1828.
Notice is hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in Council, that Sealed Tenders, post paid, for a lease of the FERRY across the River St. Lawrence, from Brockville in the District of Johnstown, to Morristown, on the opposite shore, for the term of seven years, subject to such rules and regulations, for ferriage and attendance, as the Magistrates of the said District in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace may adopt, to be endorsed, "Tender for Ferry," will be received at this Office till the first Wednesday in September next, on which day the Lease will be adjudged to the highest bidder, who will be required to enter into the usual security for the due payment of the Rent, and to pay £1 12s. 6d. currency, for the Patent, before it issues.
John Small, Clk. Ex. Council.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 16, 1828
- Local identifier
- KN.805
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great