Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), Oct. 18, 1828
- Full Text
p.3 The Lady Robins, Schooner, which was rumoured to have been lost in the late gale, arrived safely in our harbour this morning from the Genesee River.
Melancholy Accident - One of Mr. Ive's ferry boats left this for Long Island about 4 o'clock P.M. on Monday last, on board of which were his son George, Mr. Williams a tailor, and Francis May, boatman. When within a quarter of a mile of Garden Island, the boat capsized, soon after which Williams disappeared. May continued on the drifting boat about an hour and a half longer, when being overcome by fatigue, and benumbed with cold, he sunk in sight of his suffering companion, and was drowned. George Ives still continued on the boat, which drifted into Brown's Bay, five or 6 miles down, on the Island shore, about 12 o'clock at night, when he succeeded in reaching the land, in a very exhausted state: remained in the woods till next morning, and finally succeeded in reaching a house, and arrived at his father's on Wednesday morning.- The bodies of Williams & May have not yet been found. [Religious Advocate]
Steam Boat Sir James Kempt - This elegant Boat made the first trial of her Engine yesterday afternoon, and we believe to the no small gratification of her Captain and owners, and a number of gentlemen who were on board. Her speed, we think, may be reckoned superior to any boat on the Lake, and her accommodations for travellers are surpassed by none. - From the well known character of Capt. Gilderslieve, in attending to the accommodation and comfort of his passengers, and a desire to please, we have no doubt this excellent and beautiful Boat will receive that public patronage which Capt. G's indefatigable exertions so highly merit. We are informed she will make her first trip to the head of the bay of Quintie, on Monday next. [Ib.]
His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant Governor of Novascotia, arrived here on Friday last from Bytown, and on Saturday proceeded to York, with Commodore Barrie, in the Bull Frog.... [Herald]
Mr. Merritt arrives from London with funds to complete the Welland Canal "as it should be."
[St. Catharine's Journal, Oct. 9th]
The Steamer
This splendid, new, and swift Boat, will leave Kingston on Monday morning next, at 9 o'clock, for Bath, Adolphustown, Hallowell, Sophiasburgh, Belleville, the Carrying Place and River Trent. A Stage will meet the boat at the River Trent on Tuesday, for Cobourg and York.
For Passage or Freight, application to be made to Captain Henry Gilderslieve, on board.
Kingston, 18th Oct., 1828.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Oct. 18, 1828
- Local identifier
- KN.814
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great