Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), April 11, 1829
- Full Text
p.2 The ice still lingers in the Bay and Harbour, but we perceive with pleasure the exertions of Capt. Whitney, to cut a channel through it for the Queenston, which we understand will leave this Port for York and Niagara, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
p.3 PUBLIC NOTICE - The Commissioners for building the Light House on the False Ducks, will receive tenders until Saturday the 18th instant, for the construction of a Stone Dwelling House, for the Keeper of the said Light House according to a plan and specifications, which may be seen at the Office of John Macaulay Esquire.
Kingston, 10th April, 1829.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Tolls of the Government Locks and Canals upon the River St. Lawrence, will be Reduced at the opening of the Navigation to the rates in force previously to the year 1827; but that it will be obligatory to take out the Tickets for the three Locks inclusively, viz. The Cascades, the Split Rock, and the Coteau du Lac, and which Tickets, signed by the Superintendent, will be issued on application to the Deputy Commissary General's Office at Montreal, countersigned by that Officer.
The Locks will be open on Sundays as well as on week-days, so as to obviate the great inconvenience which this detention has hitherto occasioned.
The rates to be paid will be required according to the following Tariff, in force before their last increase in 1827, and which is republished for general information:-
Durham Boats £2 10 0
Batteaux £1 5 0
Small Craft 0 12 6
The former arrangements relative to the breadth of beam, will continue to be in force; and passage through the Canals will be refused to all boats exceeding twelve feet six inches, in consequence of the injury caused to the works by forcing them through the Locks.
Boatmen and others are cautioned not to stick their spiked poles into the mason or wood work, as they will be rigorously prosecuted for all injury of this or any other description.
Commissariat Head Quarters,
Quebec, 30th March, 1829.
(signed) R.J. Routh, Comy. Genl.
Executive Council Office,
York, 28th March, 1828.
Notice is hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in Council, that Sealed Tenders, Post-paid, for a Lease of the FERRY across the River Saint Lawrence, from Prescott, in the District of Johnstown, to Ogdensburgh, on the American shore, for the term of seven years, subject to such Rules and Regulations, for ferriage and attendance, as the Magistrates in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace may adopt, endorsed, "Tender for Ferry" will be received at this office, until the first Thursday in May next, on which day the Lease will be adjudged to the highest Bidder, upon condition of its being a Horse, or Steam Ferry Boat. The Lessee will be required to pay £1 12s. 6d. Currency for the Lease before it issues, and to enter into the usual security for the performance of the conditions, and the due payment of the Rent.
John Small, Clk E.C.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 11, 1829
- Local identifier
- KN.839
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great