Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), Dec. 4, 1830

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p.3 Natural Curiosities - a Canal Boat arrived from Oswego with different animals on it, to be seen at McGuires's wharf. [Herald]

Melancholy Occurrence - We have been informed that a Batteau, the property of A. & W. Morris & Co. of this town, laden with goods from Montreal to Brockville, has been lost. Also, that a Durham Boat, with a similar cargo and destination, the property of H. & S. Jones & Co., has shared the same fate. We understand, that in the latter case, the master of the boat (Mr. Caleb Truax) finding the roads so bad, as to render the carriage of the articles by land impossible, hired a batteaux to convey part of the cargo. Having in this manner lightened the boat, and procured three horses to draw her up the rapids, the wind and water setting in strongly, the boat swung round and horses and all were precipitated into the river. Exclusive of the loss of property, it becomes our melancholy duty to record the loss of the lives of two of the hands on board, the remaining two, with the master, having narrowly escaped, after floating on a board for some miles down the river.

Any loss sustained by the carriers of this place, is not to be considered as a loss exclusively their own, it is a wound inflicted upon the merchantile community generally, but in the present case the loss to the enterprising individuals who are the principal sufferers, and the melancholy loss of lives, has cast a gloom over the people generally.

Sincerely do we hope that the time is not far distant, when the contemplated improvement of the St. Lawrence will be carried into effect, when human life will not be placed in jeopardy by the transportation of merchandise; and when the man of business will not have to mourn over the loss of property, that may have cost him years of anxiety to acquire. We hope that all parties will shake off their apathy, that the torpor of the most stupid will be roused into exertion, and that a bold and united effort will be now made to complete the navigation of the St. Lawrence from here to Montreal. [Brockville Gazette]

Auction - The Steam Boat Toronto, together with all her furniture will be sold at public Auction to the highest bidder on Monday the 13th inst. - The sale to take place on board of the boat at 12 o'clock. Kingston Dec. 1st, 1830.

Notice - A meeting of the inhabitants of Kingston is requested at the Mansion House Hotel, on Saturday the 11th instant, at 12 o'clock, to take into consideration the propriety of forming a Joint Stock Company to Navigate the Rideau Canal. Kingston, Dec. 1st, 1830.

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Dec. 4, 1830
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Rick Neilson
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), Dec. 4, 1830